Arden CourtEveryday LifeFamilyHouseIvanMary Mary StationeryWriting

Is it Wednesday Already?

We are enjoying a full week at the Kelso house. Having decorated for Christmas on Friday, because of a Christmas party here on Saturday, I am just enjoying the warm and twinkly feel in the house. Even with a schedule full of errands and activities, I’ve been able to settle in easily once I’m home and I think the season has a lot to do with that. I am behind on a few things but none of it is stress worthy. I’m just doing as I have time to do. 

Monday there was unending rain and I was in the thick of it. I drove to Clarksville (an hour away) to pick up 8 boxes of donated food items for some soldiers in Afghanistan. A member of our Sunday school class is there and one of our care groups collected items to send. My task was to mail them off. I sat and visited with his wife for a while and then took everything she and another soldier’s wife had graciously packed and labeled and was on my way. The rain was intense at times and I’m so thankful I stayed out of any mishaps. Soon after I drove through that area of I-24 there was an accident involving a car and an 18 wheeler that tied traffic up for hours. Thankful, thankful, thankful that I missed all that.

Yesterday I was home baking bread and getting ready for a Christmas dinner for some of the elderly folks at a local church. My sister’s family and I had been asked to do some music and sketches to entertain them. I shared some limericks and then performed one of my Christmas posts as a monologue. The best part was when Ivan decided to join me. He was sitting at one of the tables and as I related a snippet of a story and then another he caught the spirit of the performance and loudly interrupted me with, “mom, mom…I want to tell how I…”

Kris was able to get a hold of him, and I went on, but I had to laugh at his innocent, though unrequested contribution. In the van on the way home I asked him what he was trying to share with everyone and he excitedly told me he wanted to share about opening his pajamas on Christmas Eve last year and how he had gotten very excited about the box they were in. He thought he was receiving a whole box of corn-dogs. He has heard me tell that story several times and it gets a laugh. He wanted in on it. I love that kid.

We are all TIRED this morning. It was a late night for our little gang. I vaguely remember the sound of the alarm going off at 6. Aron woke me up at 6:30 and it took me a while to gather myself and get up to get the boys out the door by 7:30 for school. Thank God for simple things like cereal. The boys did great this morning too. I didn’t have to push, pull or drag anyone getting ready. That is a huge blessing around here.

Soon I will be off to run another errand, this time in downtown Nashville. I designed the wedding invitations for my brother’s wedding and I need to go proof them and hopefully put in my order. I’m excited about that. I wish I knew of someplace local that I could order envelopes from and match the color for the insides or something. I will probably order online and color matching is too risky. Here’s a sneak peek of the invitation and RSVP card.

Then, church tonight which is ONLY for the kids. The sanctuary is housing a big rehearsal for the Christmas program this weekend, so adults are encouraged to bring their kids and then go out to eat and enjoy free babysitting. Now, that is an idea I can get into.

For the moment though…I’m relaxed, content, happy, full of coffee. You get the idea.

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