Arden CourtChurchFamilyFriendsHouseSunday SchoolWomen's Ministry

The Distaff Side Retreat

The “Distaff Side Retreat,” formerly known as the “Total Woman Retreat,” our third annual women’s overnight event went well I think. The ladies arrived on Friday evening and loaded my kitchen island with all manor of treats and snacks. We conversed, nibbled, claimed sleeping quarters, laughed uproariously and got well settled with one another and than began sessions pretty much right on time.

This year we had thirteen ladies (including me) on Friday night. Two of these did not spend the night. One had other obligations the next morning and one lives very close and being pregnant felt she would do well to rest in her own bed. Couldn’t blame her on that one. So eleven spent the night and one of those left in the morning. Our expecting mom came back so we found ourselves at eleven again as we completed the last half of the retreat. Then…three, a mother and two daughters (one of which attends another church but often comes to our activities because we’re so darn likable) had to go to a birthday party so they left after the first session. Now we were eight. So as not to ever allow us to feel settled however, one more showed up at 10:00 on Saturday and there we stayed at a total of nine, until the end of the scheduled activities.

In preparation for this retreat I had created our schedule, worked with Sencery on lessons and studied quite a bit on our topic. It was called “Practicing the Power of Stillness.” I’ve written about the topic here on this blog and had some interesting study times finding details and applying various aspects of the meaning of stillness in my own life. Pastor Davis even spoke about it in church recently, prompting a lot of facebook posts and conversations on the topic. I had to admit, it seemed that God was preparing the hearts of our women for the retreat with the many mentions that “being still” seemed to be getting.

With the larger group on Friday night, I think we lacked some of the intimacy that we’ve had the previous two years, however, I felt such a sweet commonality and hunger in the room as Sencery and I taught and I know that God was in it. We had a lot of different ages, and backgrounds. Differing experiences and such a variety of personalities brings a fun atmosphere in regard to examples and analogies that come up in the course of teaching. I love that wisdom wasn’t constrained to the corner where my notes were sitting beside me, but she spoke from the couch, the floor and the extra chair on the other side of the room. I love that there seemed to be a captured focus on the subject and how it applied to each one, how it could be more than what we thought it was and how we were renewed in our own individual interests by coming together as a group.

I think most of us slept well, there was some interruptions, one being Kris’ alarm clock going off at 5:00 because I forgot to check and make sure it was off. Oops. The beds were all used, the couch upstairs had one body and the couch downstairs being extra long accommodated two. One girl slept on the chaise in the living room and I had my bed and my bedroom all to myself. I promise I was willing to share, but in hindsight it was precious to have that little bit of refuge while preparing my heart and mind for the next days lessons and activities. I was still waiting to hear from God on a couple of analogies and points and being able to sit quietly with my lamp on and my books and notes spread out on the bed around me for an extra hour after the house was quiet was a good thing.

Saturday came early. The alarm clock incident was a factor for me. I couldn’t get back to sleep and decided to have some more quiet time and then quietly tiptoe through the living room and set up breakfast in the kitchen. Coffee was brewing and the waffle iron heating as I prepared a couple quiches and pulled out the pre-made cinnamon butter and a loaf of bread. Pretty soon I was joined by Rachel, then Thelma and before long the bustle was in full swing as the ladies began warming up to the day around the kitchen. I squeezed through the crowd for just a minute to have a few sips of coffee on the back porch. I couldn’t resist it even though I worried a little that they might think me rude for leaving the room. I just love that cold air with my warm mug of coffee in hand.

Our sessions were a bit more loose on Saturday, with a lot of extra discussion about personal issues that related to the topic during the first session. I think, overall, it was what needed to happen and there were some good interactions that took place between some of the ladies. By the second session the tiredness and familiarity of the house was beginning to set in. It was harder to focus on things and I kept it very short. I did have a foot washing time between the ladies. Partnering off, we each took a turn washing each others feet in a basins of warm water and spoke words of appreciation and worship with one another. I told them to always remember that Jesus’ examples of stillness were not always about sitting in the quiet, but also in serving and in being served. Sometimes it is hard to receive service. We have to allow our spirit to quiet itself and be blessed by the ministry of others.

We had a final prayer time that consisted mainly of laying hands on and praying for the very pertinent needs of one of our girls. Husband, children, job and more are all under attack. The battles she faces are daily and I know our ladies are continuing to lift her up as she begins to embody the powerful peace and quiet of the Holy Spirit in each circumstance. Our theme verse, though we didn’t actually discuss it, was printed on the flier we made and sent out, Isaiah 30:15 “…in quietness and trust is your strength…” Such simple words, but so, so true.

Lunch at the “Gondola House” in Hermitage ended our time together and as my day continued things just fell so smoothly into place. Sometimes that’s all it takes to make a person feel the needed confirmation of having done the right thing. So many questions can come up after being the leader in a situation like that, but for the first time…maybe ever…I haven’t questioned it. I’ve rested. I left the clutter in the kitchen when I got home, greeted the boys back with hugs and kisses and then enjoyed a nap while they were tolerating one as well. I awoke refreshed and able to get the house back into tip-top shape in no time.

It was a splendid weekend.

5 thoughts on “The Distaff Side Retreat

  1. Kristy – They went to David and Rachel’s house. Rachel was with me and their daughter Ally is just a month or two older than Owen and all three boys claim that she is their girlfriend. They had a blast.

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