
I’ve Been Home HOW Long?

Wow…we got back from a great trip to Florida a week ago yesterday and I haven’t posted at all. I was so proud of myself for posting while I was gone, only to miss it drastically when I got home. Next time I’ll prepare two weeks worth of posts for a week long trip. Not even a limerick on Friday! Agh My!

So, where have I been? Well…first we went to Tallahassee to visit Kris’ grandparents. And do you think I got a picture of them? Nah. The camera stays fixed on the little people. Silly Mary. I wish I had taken some of them interacting with their great-grandparents. Note to self: get over your kids a little…there are OTHER PEOPLE!

We visited briefly with a few other family members in Tallahassee and had a great time catching up with Grammy and Great-Grandpa. The boys loved traipsing around outside exploring the garden and…wait for it…eating lettuce. Ivan had been talking about lettuce the previous weeks and the more I would explain, the more he would become confused. At one point he believed any leaf from anywhere was lettuce. I tried to explain how it grows and what it looks like and he was finally catching on but what joy when we found out Great-grandpa was actually growing some in his garden. He allowed Ivan to pick his own leaf, dust it off and eat it right there…OUTSIDE! Ivan was so happy.

We drove around a bit and decided to go to the capital building. Tallahassee has a somewhat unique capital building that houses an observation tower at the top. It’s all glassed in and comfortable to walk about, sit and look, or as young boys will do…race each other around the circle and jump from the ledges.

It was neat to see them enjoy it and I promise I didn’t let them just run away with the place. We do try to keep order. Were they a little older and calmer though, we might have tried to visit the old capital building as well, which houses a museum of Florida history. I’ve been before and enjoyed it, but Aron, and even Ivan, is a little young to appreciate it and I’m sure we will have another opportunity.

Lastly we snagged a shot or two of the boys at Grammy’s piano. I’m glad we started taking these when Owen was a baby. It gives a nice photo time line of our visits and their growth.

That’s all the catching up I have time for today. There are boys to bathe, a tree to trim, dishes to wash and laundry to fold. Ah…it’s good to be home.

1 thought on “I’ve Been Home HOW Long?

  1. It sounds like a great trip.

    I didn’t know any of that about the Tallahassee capitol building. I’d go shopping there when I lived in Panama City. I wish I’d gone then because I probably won’t have the chance to go back. It looks really cool though. Glad you guys had such a nice time.

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