Arden CourtAronChurchEveryday LifeFamilyHouseIvanOwenSunday School

Singin’, Eatin’ & Walkin’

Last weekend after the baby shower, my friend Gabrielle and I met up at Maggianos for dinner. She is in school and taking a music appreciation course that requires her to attend a musical theater event. She invited me to join her so I bought dinner and she got the tickets for Hansel and Gretel. An opera. I have to admit, I just don’t care that much for opera unless the singers are absolutely remarkable. These singers were good, very talented and they did a great job, but after a while I had trouble overlooking how cold and uncomfortable I was. I wasn’t blown away. I would give our evening three stars though for good food and good company.

On Sunday morning, our Sunday school class was FULL. We had almost zero empty chairs and we were promised a new room by the next week.


I had taken all of our left-over shower food from Saturday to the refrigerator closest to our Sunday classroom and stored it there for our eating pleasure the next morning. That plan worked very nicely. I didn’t have a bunch of sweets tempting me the rest of the week and everyone got to enjoy the food.

That afternoon I suggested to Kris that we take the boys for a walk. Owen had the class pet with him for the weekend, the weather was beautiful and it would afford another good opportunity to take pictures. He agreed, so we skipped naps and went for a walk. It really was a nice day.

I love the way Aron has his hand on the back of Kris’ head. He is one that loves to feel things, he takes in the world through taste and texture. Which can be really gross at times, but it’s cute here.

Owen pushed Bananas (the monkey from his classroom at school) in the stroller. He really enjoyed being responsible for his comfort.

Ivan kept coming toward me while I was trying to get a picture of him and I couldn’t get focused before he was right on top of me. I told him to stop…so he did…that didn’t look right. I told him to act like he’s walking…never mind.

Aron loves to jump. More so than his brothers do or did, he jumps from things, over things, onto things and however else you can jump. The sound of him crashing to a landing throughout the house is pretty common. I was trying to capture him jumping over this crack in the pavement and this is as close to him being in the air that I could get. Even though it’s not the shot I was going for, I thought it was so funny looking I wanted to share.

After the greenway the boys were sent to bed early, there was a fire in the fireplace that night and we closed the day with football. Autumn weekends are hard to beat.

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