Everyday LifeFamilyOwenSunday School

A Few Thoughts Before Coffee

We have snow again. The roads are pretty slick according to Kris who left about 30 minutes ago to meet someone for coffee downtown. His admonition was “don’t leave the house.” I don’t usually have much trouble there. I don’t like to leave the house anyway.

We had a lovely weekend and enjoyed another family Valentine’s Day. We’ve enjoyed watching the Olympics and explaining to the boys what all the flags are, where everyone is from and which country is wearing which outfit so they can cheer. Owen had a birthday party to go to on Saturday so I took him to Target to get the gift and then Kris was waiting at home to take him to the bowling alley. It was like a party relay. I raced into the garage and handed over the booster seat, the boy and the bag (gift) and they took off. We had a good crowd in Sunday school. Kris did an excellent job teaching.

Owen is out of school, not because of snow, but because of President’s Day. He was home Friday as well so he’s had a long weekend at home. I always see these weekends approaching on the calendar and feel like we should take advantage of them by going somewhere, but it doesn’t usually work out to do that. I am glad we can all be home together too. Thankfully they are all three playing well together right now.

There are a lot of events and activities approaching very quickly and I feel a little unprepared. I want to fix that. I have some house cleaning to do, some writing to do, some planning, some cooking, some sewing, some graphics and some phone calls to make. I should probably include some praying on that list but that should just go without saying.

I have had a deep interest in the power of stillness of late. I did a little studying and got more interested. I am hoping I can write a little about it, but I feel like I have a lot to look at first.

For now…I have some Valentine cookies I need to nibble on and some coffee to inhale.

4 thoughts on “A Few Thoughts Before Coffee

  1. Stillness is something I am reaching for as well. I used to be good at it…
    I love the birthday party relays 🙂 We have had weekends with two or three birthday parties before. It’s such a challenge to coordinate, but provides for some funny stories later!

  2. I’m very good right now at being still. Still, I think I may have to break this stillness to run across the street to Starbucks for my weekly treat! Then, I will be still again so I can partake of the caramel goodness; decaf of course.

  3. Stillness always seems to imply “quiet” to me, but how can you have stillness with all this blasted noise??? 🙂 I love my little noise makers! 🙂

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