Everyday LifeMary Mary Stationery

Just Chatter

Feeling a little yuck this morning. I’m hoping that will pass with a focused effort on what I eat and a bit of rest. I allowed a few too many late nights and foreign substances to pass my lips. Having left-overs from birthday parties and bonfires plus busy evenings is bad for me. I often think I need to use up instead of throw out, so down the hatch goes the cake, potato chips, marshmallows, Hershey bars and the soda. I know better, yet I do it. I have a real hard time throwing food away. I get really agitated by that. I hate wasting stuff, but it happens sometimes.

Today…I have a long list I could do, but a short list I have to do. Given the way I feel right now, I’m going to stick with the short list.

I made a cleaning chart yesterday for my cleaning maven goals. It looks really nice…hopefully the look will translate to the house. I look at it and think…I can’t do that. But I need to try. Seriously try and see what happens. Surely…even if it’s unrealistic…I’ll gain something from trying.

I am feeling more and more encouraged about Mary Mary Stationery. I wrote out a beginning for a business plan on Tuesday and focused on a vision statement. It made me realize how fitting this is for me. My second most needed love languages is “words of affirmation,” I thrive on encouragement and strive to give encouragement. I am most motivated and inspired by positive affirmation and have a much harder time responding positively to criticism. It doesn’t come naturally to me to fix something because it’s broken…I am drawn to fix something because of it’s potential. I hope that makes sense. Anyway…all of that really spoke to me about what I’m good at and what this little opportunity could become. Using my creative skills as well as my desire to motivate and build people up, all in one cute little package. Sounds good to me.

I am plugging away at it. Kris told me that a songwriter he knows of once revealed that he writes a song every day. It doesn’t have to be a good song, it may be horrible, but it gives him practice. The more those creative juices are flowing the more likely that something incredible will be produced. So I’ve taken that same approach to greeting cards and stationery ideas. I’m trying to produce one card or graphic idea everyday. Some of them will be deleted right away, but some of them will be used to make someone smile. I’m just sure of it.

4 thoughts on “Just Chatter

  1. I am very excited to hear that you’re “plugging away at it!” I’m sure something beautiful will come of your work.
    I totally get what you’re saying about how you like to fix things. I’m the same way. I’m much more drawn to potential than projects. I love the planning stage, when everything looks shiny and lovely on paper. But once the prototype is finished – or worse, once something has been criticized or proven to need fixing – I’m over it.

  2. So glad to hear that you’re working on your shop. Great businesses don’t just happen, right? I love your products (even though I have yet to buy anything) and it does seem perfectly suited to you. Keep going!

  3. Two things.
    1. I have a PO Box, so don’t check it every day. Yesteray I recieved an adorable card in the mail. It made me smile and warmed my heart.
    2. I’m still getting positive feedback about the speaker at our retreat. She was insightful, funny, and shared encouragement from the Word that is still being comtemplated. Oh, and one person said they thought it was good Maple didn’t start the day off because one or two might have wondered what Cheryl’s cousin was thinking. Or what Cheryl was thinking, for that matter:)

  4. Aw. Thanks Cheryl, I’m glad you liked the card and I’m really glad to hear people are talking nice about me. That makes me all happy inside.

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