ChurchEveryday LifeIvanMary Mary StationerySunday School


I could write and write today. I just have a lot piled up in my mind. I don’t want to bore anyone with all of it as it is of little significance. Sometimes the things that build up in my head are just the daily living sorts of things. Like clutter from every paper brought home from school…they are in the way and need a home. This blog has inadvertently become home to a lot of that sort of daily clutter. I guess I don’t always have a good handle on the line between interesting and worth thinking about but not necessarily good reading.

I could copy my journal in here, I found myself completely enraptured with a concept that made a difference to me, but sometimes it’s just too personal and what is enlightening to me can come across as prideful, vain or “preachy” to others. I don’t like that and I know I’ve done it. I have such a desire to share what means something to me and it doesn’t always translate well.

So…this is just a daily post. A marker for today that says I lived here for a while until something interesting happened. I don’t have a good story, or even a good joke, but I’m having a good time and I think that’s worth a mention.

Oh…I will say that I’ve been researching a little on Mary Mary Stationery and the process by which that little concept can become a little something more. Amber has been helping me some and Kris is always my go to guy for a reality check if my dreams start expanding beyond the bounds of time and energy.

I’ve also made a chart for my cleaning goals and will exercise my brain a bit more on that today to see what is sensible and what is hogwash.

And finally…a little something about Ivan.

I have tried to keep up with the fun things the boys do, but it’s impossible to save it all. Sometimes I blog but don’t have pictures, sometimes I have pictures but never have time to write it out. Sometimes they do things that I think are just precious but I don’t think anyone else will understand, so I just try to treasure it in my own mind.

I came across these photos this morning and thought I’d share them here. I’ll save this on his blog as well. It’s nothing that incredible or even all that funny but it says something about Ivan to me and I want it preserved.

I found him napping this way the other day. He often makes a bed for his little kitty or whichever stuffed animal he chooses to sleep with. Usually he’ll wrap them in a blanket or lay them as comfortably as he can on a pillow and then cover them up with a blanket of some kind. This time, he somehow found it comforting, for himself and the kitty I suppose, to let the kitty nap inside his shirt. I never know what the process is that pushes Ivan to do the things he does. There are often strange but ordered piles of toys here and there, that have some meaning or significance to him. He talks very well, but doesn’t always explain himself or express his train of thought well, so sometimes I understand and sometimes his ways remain a mystery. This one seems pretty simple to me.

3 thoughts on “Daily

  1. That is so, so cute.
    And I tend to think that daily life, even without jokes or big stories, is important enough to write about anyway. Thanks for doing it.

  2. I just love Ivan. It’s partly because he reminds me of Chloe and partly just because he’s so darn cute. I could absolutely see (and have seen) Chloe do the same type thing. The kitty in his shirt is so sweet!

  3. Keep on with the things that don’t always seem like they might matter to the rest of us or don’t seem to be related. If this were a food blog, or a sewing blog, or any other themed blog, then some things might be non-sequitor. The top of the page says this is the bits and pieces of your days stitched together. I enjoy hearing all the little bits. Oh, and Ivan’s just cute!

    I can also tell you that I know where you’re coming from. There have been many, many things on my mind lately that have not made it to the screen. I plan to do some of that this evening, but I think there are things that came and went before I could form complete thoughts.

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