Arden CourtChurchEveryday LifeHouseOwenWomen's Ministry

Moving Right Along

It’s been a good weekend. I enjoyed Friday night’s beginning to the ladies seminar and my monologue went very well. The script was open ended which I love writing but it is harder for me to perform. I wanted to present enough of a need in the audience that they will be hungry for what the speaker has to say to them and I think that God gave me a great script for that. However, I don’t get as passionate about giving a message that doesn’t have the valuable meat in it. So I really had to pray for God to show me the value in what I was doing. I felt so peaceful going to the stage knowing that God had a picture to paint and he was allowing me to be a brush and lay out the colors that would help those ladies to see themselves and their needs a little more clearly. The service really did flow well and Vanessa’s message was timely and well received. The alter service was powerful and I think that the ladies all took something home with them.

Saturday morning came very early and I was very tired. There was a lot of information to take in and a lot of encouragement handed out for everyone. Things went well with the skit and people seemed to really grasp the message and the insight that Vanessa and Pastor Sandy were there to give.

When I got home there was time to rest after a hot bath and then we went out for a little dinner at Chic-Fil-A. We weathered the big storm while the kids played in the playground there and then we did a quick shopping trip at Belk. As usual I couldn’t find quite what I wanted and Kris could. I would like a good running shoe but it appears that there are several grades of running shoe at various prices and the balance of price and support is met and consumed right at my foot size. When I would finally decide on something, they wouldn’t have it in my size. The stores are always too warm and it makes Kris and I both cranky, so it makes it very difficult to shop. I need to go back and look some more.

Sunday was a laid back restful day. We had a family movie night with the boys and enjoyed staying home all day…except for going to church. Kris did run out by himself to get a movie and some sushi. Yum.

Owen went back to school today after a week of Spring break. He was excited last night, but a little less so this morning. He did well though and is napping quietly now. While he was in class the other two boys and I drove to Amber’s house and picked up a headboard that she offered to us. It’s not necessarily one I would pick out but I hope to upholster it and make it perfect. She was so helpful and met me at her house even thought it was earlier than her lunch break. She had told me where to get a key so I had no trouble getting the headboard but had she not been there it would have taken me a long time to get it loaded in the van alone. With her help though it went very smoothly. I was able to get a glimpse of all her hard work in remodeling her house too. Refinished floors and freshly painted walls along with a few new furniture pieces were a wonderful upgrade to her already warm and friendly house. It looked great!

I feel a little relieved to have last week over with. It was a good, good week, but there was a lot to it. I’m glad to have a little less on my plate this week, but I’m trying not to slow down too much. Getting behind would not be a good idea. It’s just difficult to stay on task in such beautiful weather.

5 thoughts on “Moving Right Along

  1. You’re so sweet! It doesn’t feel so warm and homey to me just yet. I still have a mental to-do list running in my head of things that need to get done in order for me to feel the job is “complete”. 🙂 It’s defiitely getting there and I’m enjoying and appreciating everyday of progress we make!

  2. I’m so glad your monologue went well – and that it’s over 🙂
    Also, I adore the fact that you have an aversion to the atmospheric conditions of shoe stores.

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