Everyday Life


There are days, even weeks when I feel full. Not in the “ate too much turkey” sense but in the “life can’t get much better” sense. Just as I could easily think myself into misery I can also think myself into happiness but this is not that sort of happiness. This is the kind that comes naturally just from waking up and looking around. It’s not a calculated event after counting my blessings, it’s a response just from living amongst my blessings and counteracts the knowledge that my life isn’t perfect. It’s not. It’s only perfect for me. If I told you about it you would want to change it for me in some areas and you’d want to encourage me to change some of it, and some of it I probably should. I don’t look around and kid myself, I know there are a lot of things I could do better, but despite it all, I am full today.

In this fullness I have a full day of busyness to squeeze into about 5 hours. I need to bake a cake that I will freeze for Christmas, I need to do at least one load of laundry, I’d like to work outside a little, straighten my bedroom, clean my bathroom, wash a few dishes, help Owen with his puzzle, clean the playroom, and get ready to go to the bonfire with our Sunday school class.

Aron sounds hungry, Owen wants help cleaning up the last puzzle he got out and Ivan is doing more demolition in the playroom before the big clean up happens. So…what am I doing typing at my computer in all of this? Just enjoying the fullness.

On a completely different subject, I read that Evel Knievel died yesterday. I remember well, watching those impossible jumps and playing with my cousin’s Evel Knievel action figures. He died relatively young and it’s sad to see him go.

4 thoughts on “Full

  1. I sure hate trying to squeeze too much into those few useable hours in the day, but I know just what you mean, girl. I suppose that I prefer the calculated, thinking-about-it happiness, but…living in the middle of your blessings and just being aware of it is a wonderful feeling.

  2. I didn’t know that Evel Knievel died. YIKES!

    I posted to DSM before reading this and then just laughed. Our posts have similarities in their subject. Mine was about not making other people responsible for your happiness. You get it. . . I don’t have to tell you 🙂

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