Everyday Life

So Much To Do

My “To Do” list keeps growing. I keep moving things that don’t get done to the next day in hopes of catching up and it’s gotten to the point where I start my day with more on my list than I can accomplish. So I must divide and conquer and conquer I will.

The tree is up and it’s a pretty one. It’s not completely decorated yet, but the lights are on and there are some colorful accessories attached. I am going to make my ginger cookie ornaments and see if I can allow Owen to help this year. It’s really hard for me to let him help. I am in too big of a hurry too often. So, I need to schedule it, gear up for it and not just throw it into the mix of things on my list. It’s an event and must be treated as such.

We had some more of the flashing from the side of the house come down Sunday night. I talked to a guy who will be able to put it back up on Thursday. This is a good house in most respects but there are a lot of little things that just didn’t get put together as well as they should have. The flashing is one of them. This will be the third time he’s come to the house and I believe this will be the last because I think it means he will have replaced or re-nailed all the significant pieces. Apparently the flashing wasn’t nailed in enough places when it was put up originally, so it blows down in a wind storm. Last month the same thing happened at our neighbors house.

Tonight is my Christmas party/Spring Seminar planning meeting with the Ladies Board. I always enjoy both of these subjects. Christmas is just the best of all things to celebrate and the Spring Seminar means brainstorming about subjects we can help other women conquer. Here are some of my ideas:

A class to encourage women to be encouraging. This would be the anti-man bashing class.

A class on Love Language based parenting or in this case mothering. I agree that father’s are an incredibly important influence for kids. But the truth is that mother’s are the ones who spend the most time with them and need the tools to discipline and motivate healthy kids.

A class on keeping kids healthy. I’m hearing more and more about kids who are keeping their family’s quarantined because of recurring illness. Surely, we can do better! 🙂

A class on not being easily offended. Here’s one I’m passionate about. It’s something I continue to learn and conquer so it’s something I want to share with others. I know that John Bevere wrote a book about this but I haven’t read it yet. I will.

That’s my list. Any other suggestions?

3 thoughts on “So Much To Do

  1. The Love Language class sounds like a good one.

    And, don’t forget that if that To Do list gets too long, you’ve got my permission to just snip it in half and discard part of it. Live in freedom! Ha. It only *kind of* works like that. But, seriously, what can be “trimmed”? Once you figure it out, do it, and don’t look back! The cookies should most certainly be and EVENT. What fun!

  2. “The Bait of Satan” is a John Bevere book about forgiveness with the premise being that unforgiveness is the root of being easily offended. I highly recommend it. I read it when I was living in PC and it helped a lot.

    Good luck with your “to-do” list. And I hope that you can enjoy the season.

  3. I didn’t read The Bait of Satan but I watched the video series in the Sunday School class we attended previously. Great teaching. That “taking up offenses” thing runs rampant in the church and it’s why we see so many church members and probably more commonly, regular attenders, disappear. They were offended and left the church.

    We talked about the Love Language thing and child-rearing recently. If you teach the class you have my permission to use my comment about the TV watching being harmful because it means the absence of the parent. 🙂 ha ha.

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