Everyday LifeOwen

Good Night

My little Owen was so tired tonight. He didn’t take much of a nap today at all and I kept him busy while I worked in and out of the house. I had laid him down for a nap in the afternoon but he did not want to cooperate and woke up after sleeping less t…

Everyday LifeOwen


I’m ready to be home. We’ve had a nice time up here and I was planning on leaving today but have decided to wait until tomorrow before heading back.

Owen has been a good baby and I’ve been very proud of him. He has learned a few things while we’ve…

Everyday LifeMcKeige Dr.Owen


I really hate it when I have something on my mind but I can’t talk about it. Whether it’s good or bad I mull over it and ponder till I’m blue in the face but there’s a line around certain subjects that cannot be crossed with an open mouth. Usually it’s…