Ideal Dwelling
A shy little girl named McComb,
Was afraid to step foot from her home.
She married a man,
Who lived in a van,
Now her dwelling allows her to roam.
A soul that walks on water leaves no footprints, but will make waves."
A shy little girl named McComb,
Was afraid to step foot from her home.
She married a man,
Who lived in a van,
Now her dwelling allows her to roam.
A sad little man named McFrain
coined a riddle he couldn’t explain
It had something to do
With the Muscadine Flu
Which of course is what left him insane
Of course there is no such thing as Muscadine Flu, but doesn’t it roll off the tongue nicely?…
A fussy old woman named Nikki
’bout her housework was terribly picky
No dust anywhere
vinyl over each chair
But when I shook her hand it was sticky
What’s up with that?
A cranky old woman named Flo
had a car that she drove very slow
her foot wasn’t light
but her heart full of spite
As the car line behind her would grow
Real quick…cause I just can’t be on here long.
An able young woman named Mary
Tried a stunt that was unnecessary
She climbed up a wall
Then she had a great fall
Now her foot wants to act all contrary
Details later.
Pretty young Imogene Gavel
Took in her head she should travel
She was focused on speed
But her trusty old steed
Refused to set foot on the gravel
We’re on the road. Almost to Tallahassee.
The boys have done very well.
You parents know how i…
Sprightly young Timothy Rolf
Endured boredom that seemed to engulf
With a small sheepish grin
He concocted a sin
And amusing himself he cried wolf.
Young Ivan with strong furrowed brow,
Would laugh if he’d ever learned how.
He can chuckle and smirk,
But his giggles still lurk,
Holding back till his hurts take a bow.
There once was a man named Max
He was loud and unhindered by facts
The lines that he spun
were whimsy and fun
But his stories were all full of cracks
There was a man named Max Woodman that frequented my parents restaurant regularly. He was appare…
A wholesome young lady named Lola,
Changed her diet to fruit and granola.
With no fat on her plate,
She would have lost weight,
But she couldn’t give up her sweet cola.