Tim and Kristy have gone on to do more visiting elsewhere in the States, dad went home for a while, Kris’ parents left yesterday morning at 7:00 and his brother and sister-in-law soon after at 8:00. Then we scurried. We were like squirrels hoarding minutes of productivity. Kris jumped to action combing each room for loose ends and stray beginnings. Owen and Ivan sort of cleaned the play room. I took my big ideas to the kitchen and as quickly as I produced one dish I marked another off my list it seemed. The more I did, the more I realized what I wouldn’t be able to do. I did get some little sweet potato biscuits made and some mini-quiche baked, I warmed up left-over soup, baked pre-made cookie dough, put together a fruit pizza (with some help from our guests) and baked some yummy oatmeal blueberry muffins. We had juice and tea and coffee and everybody seemed to get enough, though I felt as if I really hadn’t done enough. I actually enjoyed the frenzy of it all a little. I love to see what I can do in a short amount of time, but I admit I should have taken Tisra’s offer to bring something. I just didn’t know what to tell her to bring so I told her I had it handled. Live and learn.
They all headed back to their respective homes and I cleaned up. I enjoyed every moment of it. I had time to myself just remembering all the action we’ve had in the house. Every little bit of laughter and fun seemed to be sitting right inside my heart making me feel overwhelmingly full.
From Amber and Madison visiting to make our Christmas stockings and gifts, to drop in visits from neighbors, days of feasting with my family, games and shopping and lots of snacking with Kris’ family to a day of catching up and comfortable banter with old friends on New Years Day. This has been a wonderful holiday.
I’m so glad we could be a part of your fullness. I loved every second of being with you guys. It’s something I miss and wish we could do more often.