AmericaEveryday LifeFamily

Practicing Our Hate Walk

We all know we’re supposed to practice our “Love Walk.” But have you ever thought about the importance of your “Hate Walk?” Hate is an ugly word, yet has it’s value in certain arenas. The word hate, like many other politically incorrect words or phrases, is in the Bible and God doesn’t shy away from it. In fact He encourages it, even commands it of us. Never toward people, but always toward what is evil.

In Proverbs 6:16-19 we see these words:

“These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.”

Psalm 97:10 says:

“You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.”

There is a simplicity to the gospel in these words. Love the Lord, hate evil! There is a solid promise to those who do this. The souls of His saints will be preserved and delivered.

We could meditate and digest these words in Proverbs as lists and as detailed instruction and we should. We should know what God hates and make the effort to eradicate these things from our thoughts and our actions. I think most of us do a good job of keeping ourselves from doing the things which God hates, but do we stand up beside Him and hate with Him?

This hate is a challenge reaching far into the maturing lives of Christians. It’s not just something to keep our hands out of, it’s something to stand against. To show a staunch intolerance toward.

Something that comes to mind in our family that tested my “hate walk” was in the area of entertainment. Kris and I started watching a new show and liked the writing, the characters and even some of the message of the show. It’s pro-family and that’s great, but it got careless. The writers chose to incorporate several ungodly (even unlawful) actions being portrayed as innocent, funny, acceptable and normal. We had to make a decision. Do we hate what God hates, or do we tolerate what God hates? We decided not to watch that show anymore. Not because it would tempt us to do those things, but because by watching it, bringing it into our home, we are allowing it to live out loud around us and how can we expect God to be present with us at all times when we are slapping Him in the face with our tolerance of what he hates.

Hating what God hates is increasingly unpopular and more and more difficult to act out. But it is a necessary part of our relationship to Him and a bold witness of His great authority and righteousness. Practicing our “hate walk” is not a call to shout out “You Sinner!” to the unrighteous around us. It is simply drawing a line and saying “not in my house, not on my watch, and not with my blessing.” We cannot keep other people from committing sin. We can keep sin from becoming acceptable to us.

This week, I encourage you to make the words of Proverbs 6 a standard. Not just for your own actions, but for what you allow into your home, around your children and near your heart. There are good things waiting for those who will not compromise to the world’s standards.

“But the meek shall inherit the earth,
And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Psalm 37:11

This meekness is the answer to the schemes of the wicked. To hate what is evil with a passion that causes us to walk in love with abandon. Trust in the Lord and do good. To hate sin is not an arrogance of righteousness, it is a meekness toward righteousness, and a result of our affection for God. What great joy is ours as we walk in that meekness, delighting ourselves in the abundance of God’s peace.

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