Diet and ExerciseEveryday LifeFamilyMenu and Cooking

Menu Monday: Homemade Tortillas

It’s Menu Monday again and this week is another busy one. Last week went well, I did have to adjust a couple times but it all worked out.

I didn’t need to make dinner on Thursday night because there was a catered dinner Kris and I were invited to for a leadership event. My potato soup stayed frozen until the weekend and we had it for lunch yesterday. Yum. Easy. Yum. That means I didn’t make the broccoli chicken casserole for Sunday lunch and didn’t experiment with the crockpot. Another time I suppose. It also means I cooked a bunch of chicken that I haven’t used yet and will have to incorporate it in this week. Also…I didn’t make the pizza from scratch. (Sad face) I was doing way too much on Friday and really felt guilty for not doing more fun stuff with the boys on spring break. I basically traded homemade pizza crust for a trip to the bowling ally. I think it was a good trade.

What We’re Eating:
Monday: Build-A-Salad
I’ll feed the boys early tonight and get them all ready for bed and Kris and I will have dinner with some guests. A young couple from one of last year’s premarital groups we taught, who can’t get to the house until late. They are expecting and their doctor appointment is in a town about 40 minutes from us and they won’t be able to get here until close to the boys bed time. The lateness of our meal made me choose salad. Eating late is bad. Eating salad is good. So it will be like we didn’t eat at all. Right?

I call this “build-a-salad” because I’m going to chop anything and everything I find in the fridge that can go on a salad and let each man or woman make his or her own dinner. I am picking up some peppers, tomatoes, spinach, pine nuts and extra dressing choice, to go with what I already have, green leaf lettuce, chopped chicken, shredded cheeses, olives, onion, broccoli, cranberries, walnuts and ranch dressing.

Tuesday: “Snacky Dinner”
Once every two weeks or so, typically on the weekend, we have a little treat called “snacky dinner.” The boys love it because I often let them eat it picnic style on the living room floor. It can consist of almost anything that can be eaten without silverware. Celery with peanut butter on it, carrot sticks, apple slices, grapes, broccoli, cheese cubes, bunny crackers, smoked sausage slices, meatballs, grilled chicken bites, popcorn…you get the idea. I just put a handful of various items on a plate and call it dinner. It’s usually (not always) a little healthier and it’s always more fun to eat…if you’re 5, 7 and 9 especially.

Wednesday: Quesadillas
More chopped chicken will be used to infuse these babies with protein and flavor. I can also throw in some of the salad fixin’s to make them fairly ooze with deliciousness. Below you can find the link to the recipe I use to make my own tortillas. I like it a lot. You might too.

Thursday: Lasagna
I have not made lasagna in a long time. Mostly because we used to have it once a month at church for our leadership dinner. As my family doesn’t like lasagna enough to warrant having it twice a month, I let the church make it…even though I like mine better than Stouffers. We are not having leadership dinners any more, so I’m going to make lasagna again. This time I think I’ll make a white lasagna with chicken and spinach instead of the typical beef and marinara. I’ll try to let you know how it goes since I will probably make it up as I go.

Friday: Flatbread Chicken Sandwiches
This is where I cut the pre-cooked chicken into thin strips and lay them neatly onto half of a flatbread, put some cheese on top and bake it in a hot oven until the cheese is melted and the bread is slightly crispy. Then I put lettuce, pickles, peppered mayo or lime infused dressing, a slice of tomato and maybe a slice of bacon if I have some, fold the other half over and eat it while the juices drip down to my elbows.

Saturday: Enchiladas
I don’t know if there will still be any chicken left, so I’m not calling these chicken enchiladas. They may be cheese enchiladas, but they will be served with refried beans and brown rice.

Sunday: Chili
A staple around here, chili will make another appearance this week. I can cook this up ahead and put it in the crockpot before we leave for church. Thus, dinner is hot and ready when we get home. Not much better than that.

Tortilla Recipe from “The Galley Gourmet“:
Homemade Flour Tortillas
makes twelve 7-inch tortillas or six 10-inch burrito size tortillas

2 3/4 cups (about 12 1/2 ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 1/2 Tablespoons (1 1/4-ounce) vegetable shortening
2 1/2 Tablespoons (1 1/4-ounce) lard
3/4 cup very warm water

In the bowl of a food processor combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; pulse to mix. Add the shortening and lard and process until incorporated. With the motor running, add the water and mix until the dough comes together. The dough should be medium-stiff consistency- not firm, but not quite as soft as bread dough. Add a tablespoon of water if necessary. Scoop the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth.

Divide the dough into 12 or 6 portions and roll each into a ball. Set the balls on a plate, cover with plastic wrap, and let rest at least 30 minutes. This allows the gluten to relax, making it easier to roll the dough.

Heat an ungreased griddle or cast-iron skillet over medium to medium-high heat.

On a lightly floured work surface, flatten a ball of dough, flour it, then roll forward and back across it once, rotate a sixth of a turn and roll forward and back again; continue rotating and turning until you reach a 7-inch or 11-inch circle depending on the size of the tortilla you are making, dusting with flour as needed.

Lay the tortilla on the hot griddle (you should hear a faint sizzle and see an almost immediate bubbling across the surface). After 30-45 seconds, when there are light brown splotches underneath, flip it over and cook for another 30-45 seconds until the other side is splotchy brown (do not over bake the tortilla or it will become crisp). Remove and wrap in a cloth napkin placed in a tortilla warmer. Roll and griddle-bake the remaining tortillas in the same manner while stacking then one on top of the other. Serve warm or at room temperature. Tortillas can be made one day in advance and kept in an airtight bag. Well wrapped tortillas can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days or in the freezer for up to one month (thaw completely in the refrigerator before using or rewarming). Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Menu Monday: Homemade Tortillas

  1. Ummmmm… LOVE!! Please keep going with Menu Monday, and pretty please can I steal the menus? Really I’d rather just be able to pop over and eat at your house, but since it’s a bit of a journey between us I’ll settle for copy catting!

  2. Steal away! That’s exactly why I’m posting them. Grabbing someone else’s menu is a ton easier than thinking through a new one.

  3. okay…to comment on my own post, I must say, the build-a-salad concept went great with the kids. The boys loved making their own choices, everything available was healthy so they weren’t in danger of overdoing any of it. The only thing I “made” them eat, was the lettuce. The rest of it, they chose and I actually heard the words “I like my salad mommy.” Definitely worth all the standing and chopping.

  4. Love this! Although I’m far too lazy to make tortillas 😉 If you keep this up I might actually make a menu.

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