
Nothing Less

Four years ago we voted in America and the Republicans were disappointed and the Democrats were jubilant. I remember the slogans and the claims for “hope and change” that spurred many to vote for our first black president. He was supposed to be this man of great understanding who would lead all of us to better ourselves. We would better our outlook and better our nation with compassion for all.

Maybe he was. Many of us don’t listen to him because the moment he says something we disagree with, we shut him off.

I remember thinking then how sad it was to see so many fawning over a man who promised them hope…as if hope came in the mail, in a can or off the top of a paycheck.

It’s funny to me that anyone would stand up and offer hope to such a world as ours anyway. Hope to one might be a new job, while for another it’s at least one more day with a terminally ill child. Hope is so hard to define, yet so many grasped for it four years ago I was stunned.

I remember election night observing the joy on the faces, inauguration day was much the same. People looking for answers. So many. So many people who needed leadership and they thought this was it.

I don’t know what they see in him now. I could tell you what I see, but that’s not important.

What is important is that four years later, as a nation, the numbers don’t look much better. The numbers tell us we’re failing in a lot of areas, but it hasn’t changed anything at the polls. Why? I think it’s because people aren’t looking for better numbers. They are looking for someone to lead them, someone to take them forward. People still want hope and even if you can’t promise a chicken in every pot, they’ll take a cell phone and someone they believe is listening.

Who is listening?

I hope that Christians are listening. I hope they see that these elections reveal more than a loss of American ideals. They revealed a couple things to me. They revealed that there is still half of America who wanted the more conservative choice. That’s not loss. They also revealed that there is a huge need for truth, hope and love in our country. Personally, I would love to see America continue as a super power in the world, but Jesus wasn’t concerned about sitting on an earthly throne, so I can kind of take that to heart and believe that I shouldn’t be either.

It’s not about who’s in charge anymore. It’s about who’s listening. Do you hear the cry for integrity? Do you hear the cry for security? Do you hear the cry for peace? I agree, it’s really muddled by the selfish voices, but it’s in there. It’s underneath, it’s the core of the movement.

This election, I was more saddened by the ugly comments, hopelessness and unbelievably depressing reaction from so many, than I was by the outcome of an election that didn’t follow my vote.

I think Gods plan is much bigger than an election. MUCH BIGGER. This is less than so many things. It’s less than “going into all the world and preaching the gospel” which we can still do. It’s less than “love the Lord your God with all your heart…” It’s less than “love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s less than “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control…against such there is no law.” This election is less than “Jesus blood and righteousness,” and like that old song, that’s where my hope is built.

Couldn’t we start anew, by running one more election? Maybe this countdown to Thanksgiving and Christmas is a good time for it. How about we start electing Christ as ruler of our lives again. Start there passionate voters. I don’t care if they elected a young Billy Graham for president, he couldn’t do that for us. Laws have never been the answer to the issues that we’ve been voting on. I want good laws, don’t get me wrong. I want leaders who subject themselves to the constitution. That would be awesome. Pick a hot button issue though and I can tell you without even glancing at a senator whether it’s right or wrong. I don’t need a supreme court judge to tell me that abortion is wrong, and if they did, it wouldn’t convince a large percentage of our fellow Americans that it’s wrong. Yes, a change in leadership is important, but it is only effective if the hearts of the people are changed first. Somehow we think that changing a law will change our country. I theorize that changing our country will change our laws.

Our job is to be involved and vote for God’s best, but more importantly our job is to love on the world’s worst. Voting on issues is important, but there is a deeper need, and a greater hope. And maybe…just maybe…the reason things have become sinking sand in our country, is because more people have been leaning on a framed document than the name of Jesus.

“My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand.”

2 thoughts on “Nothing Less

  1. Thank you Mary for having the courage to reflect & share. We need reminders like this, to remind us we are not of this world, and that Jesus is our example & leader.
    Love you, Amy

  2. Mary, our pastor preached much the same message today. Maybe she read your blog, but more likely God spoke to her too. This is a good word! Thanks. We can trust our King.

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