Diet and ExerciseEveryday LifeFamilyOwen

Happy Healthy

I am by no means committed to eating healthy. Yet, I feel this unwelcome urge to buy healthy things in the organic section at the grocery store. Today I bought a bag of mini-chips for over $5.00 because they are organic and don’t have any *triptomorphalditrite in them.

Owen’s birthday is Saturday and he won’t be in school. Do you see the problem there? Turning 9 on a Saturday is great except that you’re not in school to celebrate with EVERYONE. So I’m bringing a treat into his class tomorrow (Friday). I get a little discouraged when I pack them a healthy snack and send it to school with them only to find that someone brought cupcakes with three inches of icing for them to eat instead. So…even though I occasionally eat a little ice cream, half a cake or clean out the cookie jar, I think I’ll take something a little healthier for Owen’s class tomorrow…a little.

He wants chocolate, so I’m thinking bran chocolate muffins:

Here goes…

The instructions say to mix all these dry ingredients together, but I had a hard time with that since I put them in a glass bowl and could see how pretty they were in layers.

I put the eggs and yogurt together instead. See, no butter, healthy right?

…and eventually I stirred up the dry stuff. It’s STILL pretty!!!!

Then I mixed the wet stuff with the dry stuff. Eh…not so pretty.

Looks pretty good now though.

I have made these before and I really love them. Here’s the website where I got the recipe if you want to try them (try to ignore the perfectly shaped humans displayed on this page, I am proof that these muffins will not do that to your body. You are safe. Whew). I don’t actually use Splenda as called for. I don’t believe in Splenda. I think it’s of the devil. So I use sugar, which is also of the devil, but at least I’m familiar with it. I do NOT replace it exactly. I use just a little over half the amount of sugar to replace the Splenda. I could probably cut it to half as these babies are plenty sweet. OH…I know why…I don’t usually have plain yogurt, I have vanilla so the yogurt is sweet too. Someday soon, when I’m ALL IN and give up sugar entirely, I’ll make these again with some pure cane juice grown by Amish aliens or something. That will be much better for all of us.

There ya go.

*made up word.

3 thoughts on “Happy Healthy

  1. They look yummy! I do Splenda but it’s because my body tends to get a bit grumpy with sugar. I’ll admit that I’m much less inclined to look for healthy baked goods since I’ve been healed. But I’ve always liked the taste of things made of whole wheat or bran.

    I’m also the mom that will buy (or make) cupcakes with three inches of frosting…because frosting is fun 🙂

  2. They are yummy. I love bran too. Earthy.

    See, I am not opposed to my kids having cupcakes or sweets, in fact I like to give them treats. The problem is they are EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME anymore. When we were kids, a cookie or a cupcake were a special treat. Now they are expected and they are even more processed and tasteless than when we were kids. They are big fluffy addiction starters. I truly don’t give my kids a lot of treats now, not because I am against them, but because they get so much junk at church and school, I don’t want to overload their little systems.

    Unfortunately, their birthdays fall right in amongst the heaviest treat times of the year too. So…I feel like I have to tame down as much as possible. I still make them birthday cakes and I still give them ice cream, but all the extra stuff, like treats at school are guarded a tiny bit more.

  3. I see your point. I haven’t had the same issue at church and school although Chloe recently told me that she got two hands full of jelly beans which I thought was excessive. That’s rare though.

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