Everyday LifeFamilyHouse

Slow Saturday

This is the first Saturday morning in a very long time that we don’t have to go anywhere. I almost slept in. Aron was sure to come in the room at 7:45 to tell me that it’s morning. He didn’t know it, but he and Owen had already woke me up earlier with their banter over an Uno game.

So I got up…a little stiff and sore in the “selfish I wanted to sleep longer” part of my heart. I put the bread towels away, and I softened myself over pretty colors against wood and metal and baking stains.

I decided to make muffins. When I went to Clarksville last week to speak at the MOPS at FBC Clarksville I did the craft activity with them. We made a muffin mix in a jar. It’s not a healthy muffin mix.

I used to always allow the boys a sugary cereal on Saturdays. Since they started karate there isn’t a day of the week when they should start their day with sugar, so I don’t have any sugary cereals anymore. This muffin mix was just the thing then for a day with no where to go. Love it.

I did not have enough muffin liners though. I had six flower liners…which I dislike greatly…and I had parchment paper. So, I made my own.

While they baked I made coffee.

Coffee smells better than it tastes. The steam and tiny brown drips just make me feel good.

I think I would make it, even if I didn’t drink it.

The boys watched cartoons, another Saturday morning activity we don’t usually have time for.

Then I got the muffins out.

Notice anything different about this one?

How about now?

I used a stick of butter in this muffin recipe. That left me with an empty butter wrapper which is a lot like a square of parchment paper. So I used it.

Doesn’t that look/sound like something you’d see on pinterest? I would file it on a board titled: “Clever, but completely impractical” and then I would wish I had lots of butter wrappers just lying around. Seriously though, if you’re using that much butter, you will need to have an exercise board too. Or a heart medications board.

It is pretty though…

And then I ate it.

The end.

3 thoughts on “Slow Saturday

  1. A slow Saturday sounds fabulous! Actually most of our Saturdays are slow and I’m not complaining a bit 🙂 I’m also not going to try and fill them up.

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