Book ReviewGive AwayMarriage

Sacred Giveaway

I put a book on my Amazon wish list a few years ago that I chose for it’s intriguing title and tag line. It became mine once upon a Christmas and I read a few chapters and gave it to someone else who was dealing with some issues it covered. I then repurchased it on my Kindle and have read it in bits and snippets over the past year. I LOVE it.

This is not a typical “if/then” book on marriage. It’s not a book on how to change anyone or anything except maybe yourself. This is a book that takes a hard look at the soul of man (or woman) and redirects our focus from what we can get from marriage to what we can become through marriage.

It is so easy and so common to become disillusioned by what the world around us tells us marriage ought to be. In the same breath magazines bellow the solidarity between Brad and Angelina while coughing up the goods on Tom and Katie. The world is convinced that marriage is only a matter of heart, and divorce is only a matter of time. With such an outlook, men and women enter marriage committed to the one thing they can count on, themselves.

Sacred Marriage encourages individuals to take a step back and look at the whole picture. Why did God put us together? Was it so we could fulfill each other, or was it so that together we could better fulfill His purpose?

This book highlighted the idea that marriage isn’t about me or my spouse, it’s about the Kingdom of God. It laid out several scenarios and circumstances where marriage, or staying in marriage didn’t look too appealing, but ended up glorifying God in the long run and when that happens people aren’t sorry for sticking it out.

This book offers a sliver of hope. A reason to stay. Even if your marriage isn’t at the brink of anything devastating, we all have moments of frustration with our spouse. This book didn’t convict me into being a martyr, it encouraged me to look at love differently and to be even more devout in my own reasons to love, honor and cherish. It’s a little island of Godly reason in a vast sea of worldly logic.

I would love to share this book with someone else, so I’ve decided to do an old fashioned blog post giveaway. If you would like to read it yourself or if you would like to give it to someone else I want you to have that opportunity.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your name and whether you would like a physical copy of the book or a digital copy for an electronic reader (Kindle). There will be only one winner and you need not jump through any other hoops to be that winner. If you wish to allow a friend in on the opportunity feel free to share, but I will only put your name in one time.

The drawing will be done the old fashioned way, paper cut into little strips with printed names on them, thrown into a pretty bowl and a most likely a four year old will reach in and determine someones destiny. This event will be held after the deadline of noon on Sunday July 22nd. It will be announced the following day in Monday’s blog post (one week from today).

18 thoughts on “Sacred Giveaway

  1. Whoop whoop! I’ve wanted to read this since we talked about it! Thanks, Mary! So thankful for your blog.

  2. Me! Hard copy (though I usually read my kindle… this just seems like a hard copy type book…)

    If I don’t win, I’ll just buy it for myself! 🙂


  3. I would like a physical copy of the book… signed by the 4 year old who draws my winning name!

  4. I’m in…very intriguing, and I can’t resist your youngest potentially drawing my name! Real pages please…

  5. A physical copy please. Mike Masons “The Mystery of Marriage is my personal favorite. Also not a how to fix it but rather a because he made you male and female, leave and cleave, powerful reasoning and thought provoking logic

  6. Sounds like a great book to teach in a class! Hard copy if i win, and i may order it if i dont. Thanks for sharing about it!

  7. I didn’t want you to feel conflicted about giving me the book since I’m one of your favorite people so I just bought the Kindle version. Thank you for sharing how great the book is; I needed something new to read!

  8. I’ve wanted to get it ever since we talked about it. Sounds sooooo good and very different than the usual!

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