Arden CourtEveryday LifeFamilyIvan

Just Close Your Eyes

In the van I often hear the boys complain that the sun is in their eyes.

I might offer them sunglasses, I might move the visor to help them out, I might mention we’ll turn soon and the sun won’t be so harsh. The other day though, I had made all the suggestions and adjustments but the insistent whining continued. I said, “Just close your eyes. You don’t have to see, because you aren’t driving.”

It made me think of God’s answer to my complaints now and then. I’m on the right path, I’m doing the right things, but it gets uncomfortable sometimes. The sun might be in my eyes in the form of harsh convictions, my path may be blinded a bit by criticism and the desire to please others. I may be frustrated by my own lack of ability or maybe I just failed to equip myself for the journey.

In all of it, God doesn’t lack resources or the ability to adjust things for me, but typically, He gently reminds me that I’m not in control anyway.

“Just close your eyes.”

He may whisper it, He may insist on it, but He is jealous for that kind of trust from me. His yoke is easy. He delights in me. He lifts me from the pit. He guides me out of the miry clay. He carries me…oh the joy when I realize that level of faith.

Yesterday, Ivan discovered that his friend was in the van behind us and asked that we change lanes, let them pass and follow them. He didn’t care at all that they weren’t going to the same destination we were, he just wanted to be with them.

Am I on the right path, have I veered from my purpose in order to accompany someone who doesn’t need the same map as I do?

“Just close your eyes.”

He wants us to know His voice. His sheep know. His sheep follow. His sheep are more afraid to follow another voice than they are to follow their Shepherd blindly. We don’t have to see to know His voice, we have to trust, we have to listen, to be still and know.

Some days the traffic is heavy, the burdens are overwhelming, the noise is unbearable and the destination seems out of sight. We can’t always see the hindrances. We can’t always predict the interruptions. We aren’t always able to make the choices we want to make. Sometimes the lanes are blocked, we can’t turn because others refuse to allow us. Sometimes the traffic cop has the day off and we wait in vain for someone to let us through. Sometimes being pushy seems like the only answer, speeding seems like the right thing, rushing, honking, calling other drivers names under our breath and apologizing to the kids for not keeping it under control seems all too justifiable.

“Just close your eyes.”

This is just a moment. This is just one more morning, one more reason to trust. This is still the day that the Lord has made and sometimes we have to close our eyes to the circumstances for a just a moment in order to see the bigger picture. I have to watch the traffic, I cannot physically close off the world, but I can close my emotional eyes and allow God to be my vision. I can allow Him to clarify through the Word all that He is doing and how each moment I display peace among chaos, I am ministering to my children, witnessing to my neighbor and nourishing my soul.

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