Everyday LifeFamilyOwen


Owen had an interesting homework assignment recently and I like what he came up with. He was supposed to invent something.

He came up with the idea himself. I simply asked him what he likes doing and what would make it easier, more fun or better. He loves reading Hardy Boy’s books. He wanted a bookmark that would not just tell him what page he was reading, but what paragraph, line and even word he was on when he closed the book.

He seemed to be stuck there so every now and then I would try to plant ideas in his head, but he seemed unable to construct anything in his own mind. Finally, over breakfast at Chick-Fil-A yesterday, we talked more about the problem. I asked him if there were anything else he would like his bookmark to do and he told me that he likes to write down secret codes when he’s reading the books. I immediately had a plan but wanted him to come up with it himself.

Me: “So…a bookmark you could take notes on?”

Him: “Yes. I could just have a paper bookmark that has lines on it and then I could write stuff.”

Me: “What about when it gets full, or you make a mistake?”

Him: “Yeah, I know… (long thoughtful pause) …what if I had a bookmark that was like a whiteboard!”

Me: “Ooooh…I like that. How would you do it?”

Him: “We could take a piece of paper and cut it the size of a bookmark and laminate it like you did our chore cards. Are we ever going to use those chore cards?”

Me: “Let’s not talk about that right now. Great idea though! So…just a plain piece of paper so you can see what you write easily. We could go to Staples right now.”

Him: “Awesome…but mom, we should use like, notebook paper so there are lines to use when you make notes.”

Me: “You are so smart!”

I also showed him, and purchased, a package of Post-It tabs. I explained that they are used to mark small details on a page, where to sign something or a phrase of notice. They are perfect for marking the line a person was reading when they have to close their book. I knew that they could be stuck on and re-used but that using them on a laminated surface would make them last longer and suggested sticking them to the back of the bookmark. I also encouraged him to think of a way to make a dry erase marker (we found “wet erase” instead, which was perfect) part of the bookmark.

We were supposed to document the process in pictures and create a poster of his work. Here’s what he came up with, complete with the same captions he wrote on his project poster.

I give you the “Note-Mark”:

“Where was I again?”

“Don’t write in your book!”

Taking notes.

My paper is filled. 🙁

hole punching.

tieing the string.

tiiing the ring.

Picking a marker.

Puting on the marker.

Putting on Post Its.

“It’s done!”

taking notes

“It works”

“It fits!”

“I remember now!” 🙂

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