Arden CourtEveryday LifeWriting

Irresistible Word

I tiptoed out into the dark kitchen a little before 6:00 this morning and got some coffee started. There was one brownie left on the plate and I never want to see the boys fighting over something like that (that’s why all mom’s eat dessert right?) so I placed it onto a paper towel and removed it from the kitchen. I got my little reading nest ready while the coffee brewed, found my favorite blanket, fluffed the pillow and set it just right and then returned to the kitchen to add some coffee to my sugar habit. The brownie was now safe with me and my steaming cup of brownish cream and sugar and I was all set to recline in my favorite chair, light up my kindle and sink into the Word.

I found myself unable to eat my brownie slowly. As much as I wanted to relish it’s moist chocolate yummy-ness, I was absentmindedly pinching off nibble after nibble without savoring it. My mouth just kept wanting more and I obliged it.

Likewise, the Psalms caught me in a devouring mood this morning. As my eyes were caught up in the affection of Psalm 139 I found myself speed reading through each line. Not because I wanted to get past it, but because my soul was taking it in like candy. Desiring more and more of it’s loving care and attention. I chuckled at myself and went back to the beginning, admonishing myself to take it slow this time. I did it again though.

I looked at my paper towel where the brownie once sat and felt a fullness and a peace that a brownie never has offered me. Irresistible as they are, they never bring satisfaction that lasts.

The Word though…

The Word is perfect…

Psalm 19:7-10
The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul;

The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;

The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.

The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;

The judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether.

They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;

Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.

And I find that no matter how quickly I devour it, I am still able to taste it far into the day. Some verses I sit in the stillness and stare at, savoring a truth that I can’t believe applies to me, while others I am figuratively eating with a giant spoon and swallowing whole.

Satisfied in each circumstance by the amazing, powerful, encouraging, enlightening, convicting, unchanging, life altering, irresistible Word.

3 thoughts on “Irresistible Word

  1. I didn’t mention it was a gluten free brownie…but it WAS! Yummy. Mix from Bob’s Red Mill…is that right? Packaging is long gone. 🙂

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