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Something New

The boys are off to school and I haven’t left the house. My neighbor has a kindergartner at the same school as our little men, so we have begun carpooling today. Both of our kindergartners are showing enough independence to walk into class on their own now and how can you beat a ride that’s just across the street. We’ll see how it all goes. Morning drop off is usually the easy part. Afternoon pick-up is a little more of a challenge. I am confident that between us moms, teachers and kids, we can do it.

Aron is still in pajamas. When we walked them across the street and then were walking back to our driveway to wave goodbye, he said, “I hope they run over us mom.”


Little boys say funny things.

I taught Sunday school again yesterday. It went pretty well. I think I did better last time I taught. The subject matter was a little more difficult for me. I don’t know if I did it justice or not, but I tried. I was also VERY tired. Kris left for Kenya on Saturday and I didn’t sleep well. He’s on a mission trip in Nairobi and his travel day was a full 24 hours. I was continuously waking up and checking the flight trackers to see where he was. He landed in Nairobi just a little bit after we got done with lunch yesterday. My boys have been really good so far. I’m a little dazed.

We went to a birthday party yesterday after lunch. There is a family in our church that have just had their fourth baby and their oldest child turned 7 on Friday. It was her party. They had the party at a relatives house who has a pool. I love this family. The mom, Helena, and I have been friends for a while, but until recently we haven’t been “close” friends. Just comfortable friends. Which is very nice too. Lately though, I’ve grown to really appreciate her and I hope I’ve offered enough of myself to be appreciated too. She’s been through a lot of rough times but has a super positive attitude about all of it and I have seen myself drawn to the peaceful side of Helena in the process. Yesterday I didn’t feel like driving 50+ minutes to a birthday party but I’m glad I did. I walked into her aunt Theresa’s house (she goes to our church too) and immediately felt peace and welcome and family and I didn’t want to leave. The boys had a blast in the pool, the food, the gifts, the running around after wet kids, none of that was too much because there was enough of the grace and comfort to temper it. I was missing my husband and stressed over teaching and irritated by the dirty dishes on my counter, but I felt refreshed at a little girls birthday party. Now, that’s something new.

4 thoughts on “Something New

  1. Glad to know that the feelings between us are mutual and that our friendship is blossoming into more than the casual friendships that most people share. We are so glad you guys came yesterday and enjoyed yourself enough to give us a shout out on your blog. Love and appreciate you so much!!! Enjoy your easy day!!!

  2. Ha ha, it popped up when I googled images for “carpool” and since I also wrote about going to a pool party yesterday I figured I’d use it. Sadly, there are several pictures of vehicles in pools. crazy.

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