Arden CourtAronChurchEveryday LifeFamilyIvanMarriageOwenSunday School

Monday Here

We are home for one more day of Christmas break. It sounds like that is pretty common for everyone from what I see on facebook. School starts back tomorrow and so will our regular routine.

Owen is excited about going back but still pretty thankful for one more day in his pajamas too. He has been reading almost non-stop. Kris and I bought him the first 6 Hardy Boy’s books and he has one in his hands at all times. It excites me to see him so interested in them.

Ivan has been sick since Saturday. He was fine in the morning and then when I made him lunch he didn’t eat and moped around the kitchen trying to get out of it. I finally got close enough to feel him and his face and forehead were burning. I checked his temp. and it was 102. By 3 or 4 it was 103.5. That’s the highest it’s been but it stayed above 101 almost all day yesterday. He hasn’t had any other symptoms of anything particular except his eyes have been really bloodshot and this morning one still was and seemed to be swollen. I don’t see any conjunctiva and it doesn’t seem to bother him, I haven’t caught him rubbing it or anything, so I’m just watching closely. Obviously He and Aron and I stayed home from church, and yesterday was a very…long…day.

Kris and I are seeing a lot of growth in our Sunday school class, which is very exciting, but of course comes with more people to care for and keep up with. This is not a bad thing at all, but explains why yesterday was a long day beyond Ivan’s illness. We had a baby shower recently for three women in our class, two of them have had their babies the latest one came on the 29th. This family lives in Clarksville which is a good hour from our house but about a half hour from church, so Kris went up there after church yesterday. I wanted to see that little cutie so bad, but knew my own cutie needed me pretty bad so I made chili (and froze it overnight) and cornbread and packed it all up with some dessert and sent it with Kris. Owen was with him at church but went home with some friends while Kris was out visiting. After another stop on that side of town to see the family who had a baby in early December he picked up Owen and they got back home around 6:00. I was so glad to see them. I was also glad to present an Ivan that was sitting up by the time they got home.

Aron is well, bouncing all over the place and faking illnesses so that he can get attention like Ivan is getting. Yesterday he grabbed his throat and said in as pitiful a tone as he could muster: “mom, my brain hurts.”

So…though I probably should make a grocery run and I probably should get our Christmas decorations taken down and I probably should do about four loads of laundry, I am putting no pressure on myself this last day of vacation. I’m going to make myself available to the little boys on the couch who are still in their pajamas and still need their mommy.

6 thoughts on “Monday Here

  1. I was really hoping that I did not leave any negative effects on the family, but it looks like Ivan might have gotten one hug too many from grandma. I hope he doesn’t get the full fledged cold, but just this little touch……I am getting better now.

  2. mom – yeah, I don’t know if this is from you or not. He certainly hasn’t coughed at all. As of 11:00 his temperature is reading normal. Hope that means that’s it for him. We’re still taking it easy.

  3. I’m so glad Ivan is feeling better. That little guy looked awful Saturday night.

    Chloe has read the books you lent her non-stop since yesterday. I asked her what number they were in the series and she said 55 & 56 or something like that! Which means I have at least that many books to buy for her now 🙂 And I’m excited about that (believe it or not) since it’s one of those things you can count on. You know, for several years, for birthdays and Christmas, Chloe gets Nancy Drew books. Which might give she and Owen even more in common 🙂

  4. He still looked pretty bad most of yesterday Amy. His eyes were so red and the dark circles underneath were heartbreaking. He definitely looked better this morning and has acted much more himself. He nearly got a spanking he was acting so well.

  5. The last day of vacation is definitely meant to be savored. I’m all for shoving all those extra things aside for that one day 🙂

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