Everyday LifeFamilyMary Mary Stationery

Up To More

I spoke to my sister, the pregnant one, the one who travels, the one who is going to need a larger vehicle for all those kids, about setting some of my greeting cards out on their product table during their concerts. She liked the idea and had been scheming herself on getting the kids involved in some of the “business” side of what they do which would also help in their “Road Schooling.” (Because it’s really not home schooling.)

So…we set to work creating order forms and had a meeting where I introduced Hope (almost 8) to the products and prices and she chose four designs that she wanted to sell. Last weekend they all sold and she needs more. The quandary presented immediately in this endeavor was how to display the cards nicely. I ordered a display and it arrived Wednesday morning so here is what they will have on their table for the next trip out. (Minus the “Nola” card on the top row…that’s for a tiny someone special who just arrived this week.)

All this is giving me the itch to do more. I feel like things are falling into place with this little idea and I am trying to just take it one step at a time and be obedient to the sweet nudges and whispers of the Holy Spirit.

11 thoughts on “Up To More

  1. The display looks great!!!! God will guide you and if doors are to be opened, He will do it! Love that it is now a family endeavor!

  2. AMAZING! I could see that very display not only on the road with the Bowens but in quaint fun little card/gift shops around town. There’s one in Brentwood that comes to mind. It’s in the same shopping center as Puffy Muffin. Have you thought about approaching the manager or owner of that shop or others like it??

  3. I woke up this morning and wrote a limerick. I think I was dreaming about it. I don’t usually write them, but since you do, I thought you’d appreciate it. 🙂

    A fat man named Marty MacDubh
    Had gone years without Rub-a-Dub.
    For last time he tried,
    Embarrassed, he cried,
    Fifty hours spent stuck in the tub!

  4. Mom – Yes…actual sales are encouraging. I am so thankful for the slow and steady path I’ve been on with this, but getting some affirmation now and then is important too.

    Amy – Things are coming together I think. In simple and small ways. That’s all I need right now. I can’t give this a big push until the boys are all in school. So each step that falls into place on it’s own is very affirming.

  5. Amber – I have thought about marketing to stores like that, I’m just not ready. Until I’m confident that I can keep up with any successful placements, I am holding off on that. Right now it took me most of Tuesday to fill Becky’s order. That’s only 5 different cards. I know I’ll get faster, but I also know that I will get very stressed if I fall behind at home or with orders.

    Michelle – So cute! I like it.

  6. Yeah, Mary, filling orders IS stressful. I really got to a point where I hated the commissioned artwork because I was then on someone else’s timetable and had to have forced creative time, rather than when it suited me. But, you’ll figure out the kinks and press through, I’m sure.

    Just curious, why do orders at all? Why not make what you want to make and sell the inventory? Orders only if they meet your order minimum- 30 cards or something?

  7. Tisra – I think I may get to that point. Essentially that is what I have on Etsy. Otherwise…I am trying to avoid making too much without the assurance that I will sell it. Everything I make costs me something so I am happy to fill any small order for now and learn as I go what the best sellers are and use that information to build a heftier inventory. Working with Becky and Bobby is great in that I can get feedback on all of that.

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