Arden CourtAronChurchEveryday LifeFamilyHouseIvanOwenSewingSunday School

Long Days…Big Smile

Friday morning seems forever ago because it started at 4:30 a.m. We attended another 6:00 a.m. prayer meeting and enjoyed our time a little more because we didn’t have to rush straight to school as soon as it was over.

We had our parent teacher conference on Friday a little after 10 and were able to relax through our morning until it was time to head to Owen’s classroom and sit down with Mrs. Marla. He would be beaming if he knew what high praise he was given from his teacher. I was very proud of him of course, and glad to hear that he is cooperating and at least giving the impression that he is eager to learn. I’m so grateful for my easy to raise Owen. He makes my job look easy.

From there we went to Chick-Fil-A where we met up with Amber and sister Ashleigh for lunch. We talked and had quite a few laughs and then the boys and I had a couple errands to run. We drove to Donelson and picked up some specimen cups from another Amber. Why specimen cups you ask? Well, it’s just another scheme I am trying, to motivate Aron. I put colored water in them and let him pour them into a large glass vase. The hope is of course that the fun of it will cause him to want to go to the bathroom. So far it hasn’t seemed to do much, so maybe we went to this trouble for nothing. But we’ll give it a little more time and see.

Then on to Greene Military and Police supply store, also in Donelson to participate in the Socks for Soldiers campaign that Owen’s school is facilitating. We bought our bag of green socks and then walked around the store looking at badges, knives, vests, camo. and more. The boys loved it and the three or four policemen who were shopping at the store were enjoying the boys love it. It was like a mini-field trip.

Nap time was soon to follow and it was so peaceful to not have to rush the process since Owen was with us and wouldn’t have to be picked up from school. I even slept a few minutes on the sofa outside…very, very nice.

That evening, Kris had a meeting over dinner so I decided to pack us a “snacky” meal and take it with us to the greenway. We walked and walked and the boys kept up with me pretty well. We went to the new part of the greenway we haven’t been to before, but only got through part of it before turning back because of bugs, darkness and the need to potty. The trailhead is at a Kohl’s parking lot so we used the facilities inside and then called Kris to see if he wanted to meet us on his way home at Chick-Fil-A for some ice cream. Our second trip to the same Chick-Fil-A in the same day. We were all tired by the time we got home and were looking forward to more walking the next morning.

Saturday was Walk4Souls in downtown Nashville. We all five had our t-shirts and our gear and were ready to walk the 5K around the bicentennial mall. It was the first time I would be able to actually walk the whole thing as in years previous, I was either nursing or tending to little ones. This year, Owen and Ivan both walked the whole thing. Ivan was the last person to cross the finish line. Kris had trailed behind to walk with him and though he described the process as “grueling,” he was very proud of Ivan for his insistence on finishing the whole thing. I pushed Aron in the stroller and tried to keep up with Owen for the first half and then tried to motivate Owen the second half. The walk had a great turnout and to date over 470,000 souls have been touched and made whole by the gospel of Christ because of the funds raised by this event.

Monell’s for brunch afterward was wonderful and then home for naps. Owen had a birthday party in the afternoon that Kris took him to and Ivan and Aron and I made dinner. Cold cereal. I also pinned up a hem on the choir dress of one of our neighbor’s. I got my quilt top finished up and ready to frame and felt pretty good about all of it.

Sunday was church (GREAT SERVICE), lunch, naps, and a lousy football game. While the boys napped for a very long time, I cleaned my kitchen, hemmed that choir dress and cleaned off the back porch in preparation for the quilt.

I woke up very tired this morning. Good, good days over the weekend. Beautiful weather and lovely people, but I’m sleepy. Today will include a nap for me, I am almost certain.

4 thoughts on “Long Days…Big Smile

  1. So, the “colored water” isn’t his own colored water, is it? 😉

    Hoping these 90 degree days make way for quilt-on-the-porch weather soon!

  2. HA! Tisra – No…but it is yellow and in specimen cups for the purpose of looking like the real thing. Just trying to keep it fun for the whole family. The vase is green glass so you can’t see the color once it’s inside. Maybe I should have included a picture.

    And, YES, I am hoping for cooler days soon. I am setting the quilt up today and having to go inside for breaks. Still too hot. Mornings are beautiful though.

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