Everyday LifeFamilyMary Mary StationerySewing

Frog Prints

Here’s what my sewing machine has been busy at yesterday and today:

I had a hard time getting this shot because I don’t know how to use manual settings and auto focus wouldn’t close in on this little guy. I am trying to show that these are three dimensional. There is a small piece of batting between the card and the frog print, so the frog actually puffs up a bit.

I’m really trying to focus on texture with my fabric cards. I was showing some of them to a friend of mine who has been through some trying times with her family. Her daughter was killed and revived in a terrible car accident a while back and since then they have been in and out of the hospital, through a lot of therapy and learned a lot about brain activity. Her daughter is getting better, but it is a slow road. She was explaining to me the value of my cards in attaching sentiment and memory through texture. She explained that our memories are triggered by certain things, one of the main ones being texture. How much more will a recipient remember and treasure a card that enters their minds not only through what they see, read or hear, but also through what they feel?

I have 6 more little frogs to attach to cards but I am using two different prints on the background. When I am done I will have three sets of three cards. I will most likely post them to Etsy when all three sets are finished.

I have to clean up now, I’m having company tomorrow and I have fabric all over my dining room table.

3 thoughts on “Frog Prints

  1. These are adorable! I really like how you’ve made them three dimensional too! Your friend is so right about the senses bring back memories and even the emotions attached to them. It is a powerful medium to past events and experiences. I really like the little frogs!

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