Arden CourtAronEveryday LifeFamilyIvanMary Mary StationerySewing


I’ve been making and making all day today. I wish I had more to show for it. Sometimes though, difficult and time consuming things come in small packages. So here’s what I have been up to.

I started some mini Mary Jane shoes quite a while back and finished two pair over the weekend.

This pair was delivered today to a mom whose son is in Kindergarten at Owen’s school. They were in pre-school together and she has another son Ivan’s age and is now about to deliver a girl.


This pair went to a friend who just delivered her first baby on Monday morning. Little Bella was long awaited and many prayers went up for her.

I started two more pair on Sunday and finished them today. This pair is trimmed in oyster and has mother-of-pearl buttons.

This pair is from the same fabric but is trimmed in peach and has glass buttons.

I had been thinking of a way to create a simple card that would coordinate with the little shoes as a sort of gift package. I like this, but I wonder if it looks too casual for the shoes.

This card I like a little bit better because of the fabric. It looks less Hawaiian, but I messed up the second toe and didn’t notice until I was sewing on the third. This is all a trial run, so I’m not upset about time wasted. In fact I learned a lot making these and more ideas came to me as I was working.

Something I’ve been wanting to try for quite a while and finally got the tools to make it work, is fabric cards that are sewn all the way around the card. I didn’t like the raw edge of the fabric at the tops and bottoms of my cards but sewing fabric around sharp corners is a pain and tends to look sloppy. So I got a corner cutter that rounds corners and it was a breeze to put this one together.

I have a lot more to do, a ton of ideas swimming around up there in my noggin but I am trying to pace myself and not get frustrated or overwhelmed. I think “one thing at a time” is one of the best things that’s ever been said.

I would sincerely like your HONEST feedback. If you look at any of these pictures and think it looks even slightly tacky, I want to know. I question a couple things myself but I won’t say what, I’d rather get your raw feedback if you have any.

I have been doing pretty well with my diet. I like the enjoyment I am gaining in eating healthier. I thought I ate fairly healthy before, but I am realizing just how much I was overlooking. In the past a diet seemed like a temporary trial, but with what I am doing right now, I feel like I am truly transforming my mind. I had prayed for God’s guidance in this and I think He’s been doing so much more than helping me lose weight. He’s showing me the clarity I can achieve through discipline and even sacrifice. It’s been good so far. I’m not skinny yet, but I’m sure feeling good.

I thought we were gaining ground in regard to allergies. Aron has been so much better the past two days. It has rained and the wind has blown a lot of stuff through possibly. However, I was up with him again this evening as he cried and cried over his itching painful eyes. Ivan has been pretty miserable too, but with his strong sense of independence he rarely complains about pain. He is quick to let me know of any other emotional hurts and unjust offenses but since he was an infant he has been a fighter when it comes to discomfort. I think the reason Aron has suffered tonight is because I let him play outside today. I was fooled by his refreshed eyes, the cool air and rainy weather. Still we are praying, and the boys have really taken hold of that. Tonight we were sitting quietly and Aron piped up, “Mommy, tell the allergies to go in Jesus name amen!”

Now it is time to go to bed. I have been up and sitting in my recliner, watching part of a long BBC movie (Wives and Daughters) with Aron to keep him upright and comfortable until he could sleep. He is finally in bed and I am finishing up the last of this blog post. I started it around 8:00 and it is now a little after 11:00.

10 thoughts on “Making

  1. I really like your second foot card a lot better than the first one. First of all, it seems like (whether it was intentional or not) the swirl in the middle of the foot goes well with the shape of a natural foot. Also, I actually like your “mistake” with the second toe. God made all of our feet different. Everyone’s footprint is unique. Jack and Gabe’s feet are the funniest “monkey toes” (as we like to call them) that you have ever seen. Their second toe is small and sticks out further than the big toe, and they all curl up in fun ways. But I like them because they are the way God made them. Not everyone’s second toe is of a uniform size. And so it looks fine and lifelike to me.
    Also, you are so creative it pains me. Why can’t I make my sewing machine do those things? You have some serious skill!
    Also, rough edges are fine. It speaks loudly of a hands-on approach that you can’t get anywhere else. When you go to the store and buy “handmade” crafts, there is always some doubt. Did someone really hand-stitch this neat little bracelet? Did someone lovingly craft this for me? The answer is not always clear. But with your things, rough edges speak of warmth and of personal thought, and also, when you may mess up a little, I don’t think other people will really be scrutinizing your projects that severely. I think that people will say….HEY! I LOVE this thing that Mary made for me.
    That’s what I say about the bath mitt that you made for me (that I STILL use!).
    It’s all about the love that you put into the things that you make – God’s love. Not about the skill. Skill is a developed thing, but love is inherent in everything that you do.
    So I think it’s all pretty.
    …PLUS, you have amazing taste. And I’m not just saying that.
    Stop doubting yourself. You’re WONDERFUL! 🙂

  2. Oh and also I can tell that you always are looking for a beautiful setting in which to take your pictures. That tells me that you are so attentive to detail. I think it’s awesome. You have a super eye for composition.

  3. Squeal!! I can’t even *handle* how cute these are. No suggestions or constructive criticism here – I think they’re adorable. Plus, I rather cherish raw edges and tiny flaws.

  4. Michelle – thank you. I think you’ve gone to the heart of it when you say, “it’s all about the love.” I hope I can capture that in everything I make for Mary Mary Stationery. Surely that will sell. 🙂 And…I took these photos with the notion that I may want to put them on Etsy, so yes, I was trying to be careful about the setting.

    Christy – Thanks. I like raw edges and tiny flaws too. Thankfully they come with the territory and I don’t have to produce them on purpose.

  5. I am so in love with these Mary Janes and I think the cards are such a nice touch. I would definitely buy them for a baby shower gift! I have a friend due a couple of weeks before me with a baby girl, so I might be coming to you 🙂 Glad to hear the diet is going well and you’re learning more than just healthy eating!

  6. I love all of the projects. Like Jessica, I really like the Mary Janes. I also like the cards to go with them. I think mixing casual with “fancy” looks good when done correctly. The fabric cards are great. They look more sturdy than most and would be a great idea for people that like to keep cards as keepsakes or for very important occasions, such big miles stones where someone would want to keep it. It’s great that the diet is going so well and that you are using the opportunity to learn from it instead of complaining. But then again, if you did anything but that, you wouldn’t be Mary. Good luck with getting rid of those allergies!

  7. Is it ok if I just love everything you made? Really. I love the fabric, the sunflowers, the feet…just so sweet!

    I hate diets as well, but do think that since I’ve had to mostly give up sugar I’ve gained new eating habits. I used to reach for chips when I was hungry but realized that it’s not food and doesn’t make me full, just sick. Now I reach for string cheese or something like that and I feel better when I eat it. Keep up the good work!

  8. I have to ditto all the above comments, they are adorable and i would like some in a size 9 please!

    (just kidding, i think…)

  9. Oh yeah! That’s why I wanted to have a girl! I love those shoes! From the pictures everything looks great. To get some honest criticism you should take some pictures of your mistakes and then we can tell you how terrible you are. HA=) I think what you made is awesome.

  10. I love them! I also like the 2nd foot picture a bit better than the first, but like both. Here’s the thing…fancy shoes with a handmade card with a fabric foot sewn on it isn’t casual in my book. I say that while acknowleding the fact that we’ve already discussed this week that I may be an Amish Mennonite redneck:) hahaha There is a lot of time, effort, and love that goes into making that card rather than just using a 12/$3.00 notecard. I loved every pair of shoes! Here’s the other thing. I have ONE pair I need to make. Just one. I enjoy doing it and have cute fabric all ready to go. I’m just having a hard time finding the motivation. I’ll get it done, just not tonight!

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