Arden CourtEveryday Life

Birthday Brunch

The Kelsos, the Buttons and the Fadelys have been friends for a long time now. We began getting together for Christmas years ago now and it became a bit of a large event in more recent years as the couples became families and the families became larger. A few years ago I invited everyone here for the holidays and called it a Christmas brunch. We have varied our attempts at keeping it simple from limiting gifts to only the children to excluding them all together. Last year our Holidays were very busy and we decided to meet on New Years Day. A New Years brunch was lovely…it was a no pressure event falling on a Saturday and of course after Christmas. This past holiday season was even busier. The Fadelys especially had a large Christmas gathering with guests from out of town for a fairly lengthy stay. Kris and I were out of town for New Years Day to visit his family in Tallahassee and our brunch was pushed further into January. As Travis and Kris both have birthdays in the first half of January we decided instead of Christmas, we would celebrate with a Birthday Brunch. If this keeps up…next year will be a Valentine’s brunch. And that’s not a bad idea. We had a lot of fun despite the fact that we were missing Amanda this year, I’m sure she greatly missed us too.

The kids are getting so big and I love seeing how much they’ve grown and how their personalities are blooming. Each one is so different and so lovable. I really love each one of these kids. I’m still getting to know Dorothy of course but so far, I’m impressed.

The Fadelys brought Rock Band and the adults and the kids joined in and played various songs together. It’s too cute seeing these little ones playing so seriously. I especially enjoyed the little boys playing guitar. Early in life little boys develop their own particular stance and “guitar face.”

Having just been through the sugar heavy holidays we decided to try to keep dessert low on the priority list. Being a birthday celebration though there did need to be cake. I found this recipe and made it the night before. It’s a fruit and granola coffee cake and I think it would have been much better if I had made it fresh. I made it the night before and the overnight wait softened the granola and the whole thing was lacking a little. It was still good though. Now that I’ve thoroughly downplayed it…here’s the recipe.

(Almost completely off subject. When I was growing up my mom and my grandma used to make a coffee cake that I just LOVED and I have never been able to find the recipe. Both of them are gone and not one of my relatives seems to remember this cake. It was a sour dough coffee cake and they called it Herman. In looking for the cake recipe for our brunch I found Herman! I haven’t tried making it yet, but you can be sure that I will and I admit to almost crying when I saw it. It is that good, but I think it was more of a sentimental reaction.)

The next couple pictures are just some adorable faces from our two youngest attendees at the Birthday brunch.

Now…this last group of pictures is something I enjoyed watching. Just before it was time to go the kids started sliding on the wood floor of the foyer in their socks. I probably should have stopped it, but I was so enjoying the fact that all of them…from Grant to Aron and Dorothy were enjoying this little activity and there was no fighting and no crashing into things or any destruction going on. Just good clean winter sock action. I took a dozen pictures at least but I’ll try to just post a couple of them.

Whoosh! Good fun.

7 thoughts on “Birthday Brunch

  1. Awww! Look at all of those precious little people! I love it 🙂
    And the guitar stance/face? Totally true. I’ve witnessed it myself.

  2. I remember Herman! It was a recipe sourdough starter that friends gave to each other way back in that one decade…..well, when I was young!

  3. I love the sock sliding pictures, it’s always been one of my most favorite things to do…even now. Oh, and Dorothy is absolutely precious!!

  4. I’m going to try Herman soon Lori – I remember mom keeping the starter out in the garage fridge. She would bring it in and tell us it was time to feed Herman.

  5. Great shots! Sad I didn’t bring my camera, but also just enjoyed the moment- living it. I forget to do that sometimes in my efforts to grab the great image. Maybe send them to me?

    Great time of being together.

    I want to try Herman! Will you send me the recipe if it comes out like you remember? Or will you guard it like a family prize? Either way, I’d love to taste your memories. 🙂

  6. Tisra – I’ll be happy to both send you pictures and share the recipe. It seems that there are a lot of variations once you have a starter. And, it is akin to friendship bread in that once there is a starter established, it is meant to be shared. So…it would be almost inappropriate to keep it to myself. 🙂

  7. love, love love these pictures! I almost feel like i was at your party, except that i escaped the noise! thanks so much for sharing and i hope to get a taste of Herman one day!

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