Everyday Life

The Return

We have reentered the Tennessee area and have been reintroduced to the heat and humidity. As thankful as I have been for our non-oppressive summer temperatures…I am suddenly ungrateful after the cooler air of Michigan. I will get over it very soon though. I am bound and determined to be thankful when I have so much to be thankful about.

Owen has one more day at home so I am trying to not ruin it by being so caught up in my own agenda that I don’t pay attention to him. Unpacking and laundry are a big hurdle but I am sure that we can tackle all of that as we play as well. I don’t want to go anywhere…I’d like to stay out of the car for one day.

We had an uneventful trip home and were thankful for our own beds and of course to see Kris again.

There is a busy week upon us. School starting, dentist appointments, a milk run and I should get the oil changed in the van too. Oh yeah…I need groceries too.

It’s good to be home.

6 thoughts on “The Return

  1. Awwwww… Owen starting Kindergarten!!!!

    I know what you mean about the humidity. After a muggy-less California weekend, I’m now a bit grumbly about the air’s moisture here. 🙁

  2. So glad you’re back!

    I guess humidity is subjective. It just feels hot here to me. The humidity seems completely natural. When we were in FL some days just felt like you walked outside into a shower. The possibility of having a good hair day was nil. I’d still like for it to be cooler but I’m not complaining.

  3. so glad you are back. loved the pictures you posted. I miss the boys! knowing they were in Michagan made them feel farther away – isn’t that silly? I think i will call Owen tonight!

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