ChurchEveryday LifeIvanLimerick FridayWomen's Ministry

No Bridge

A young girl from bright San Diego,
Longed to drive to far off Tobago.
She was saddened a smidge,
When she learned that no bridge,
Was there for her big Winnebago.

Okay…I wanted so badly to write a limerick for Tisra on this the eve of her 30th birthday. Unfortunately…she has one of the most unique names ever. Neither of her names has a good rhyme (at least not in English) and though I might have been able to come up with something for her middle name I didn’t feel it was identifiable enough. So I tried her home town. The only good rhymes left me with a limerick that was not exactly personal. So…it is what it is. Tisra is from beautiful San Diego and she does love to travel…but the correlation ends there. Tisra…as bright as she is…probably knew very early in life that she could not DRIVE to Tobago.

Things are moving along well today. We got up early and arrived as a family at church for Friday morning prayer meeting. From 6:00 to 7:00 we worshiped and prayed with the other 686 people that attended this morning. God is doing good stuff.

I got Owen to school and Ivan, who has been doing great with potty training, wet his pants on the way there. Thankfully we were there very early and I had time to take him into the bathroom in Owen’s classroom to get him cleaned up and changed before there was any interruption to the class. We went on to the grocery store from there and I still need to put most of those items away. I just had to sit down and relax for a bit. The little boys are playing so well this morning and I’m very grateful. This day just feels peaceful.

My skit was approved and with my friend Lesa on the job, we have rehearsals, sets, actresses and costumes all in hand. I called her last night to see what needed to be done and she had already done it. I’m amazed at administrative types. It’s an area I want to grow in. I realize that I’m built a certain way and that I will never be a perfectly tuned administrator. But I want to be like Jesus, and He wasn’t careless, unorganized, late or frazzled. He had a plan and He pulled it off. He knew how to delegate and prioritize and I’m thinking I can learn from that.

5 thoughts on “No Bridge

  1. that’s really good. its always so great to be able to use Jesus as your example of what we should aspire to be.

  2. I’m always amazed at administrative types, too. I am always creatively disheveled. Funny thing, though, I’d always thought of you as one of those. From all the way over here, it sure looks like you’re accomplishing a lot. And that says to me, “hey. this girl is organized.”

  3. OK, just the thought of Tisra owning a Winnebago sends me into fits of laughter 🙂 It also makes me think of Gilmore Girls and Lorelai describing the interior of a Winnebago with “maple-ish paneling”. Which also sends me into fits of laughter. Sorry I know you don’t watch that show.

    So the girl thats favorite store was Organized Living (or whatever that store was that went out of business) is not administrative? Ha! Perhaps not *perfectly* administrative but it’s in there somewhere.

  4. I’m feeling bad because I always thought Tobago was “Toe-bah-go” not “Toe-bay-go”. Kind of like thinking Manhattan was a peninsula and not an island. Rats. I don’t like being wrong.

    All that aside, I feel honored to make it into the Friday limericks! Yay!

    Also, I think mom Kelso’s comment is so wonderful. Amen! So simple, in theory, but us Christ-followers sometimes get off course and forget what they’re following, huh?

  5. Bridge, Winnebago, whatever, I think I’d like to go. “I don’t care how you get here, get here if you can”. Those lyrics just popped into my head as I was typing. I know….random.

    Also random…..a lot of Joel’s goofy comments crack me up. Not all, but quite a few of them.

    Happy Birthday Tisra even though we haven’t met.

    Yay for a peaceful day.

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