Brent Gambrell MinistriesChurchEveryday LifeImages Creative Group

I Can’t Believe It….

…I was on TV! If you’ve watched Monster’s Inc. you will remember Mike Wazowski’s exclamation after seeing himself in a commercial. Though his face was covered by logos and brands his excitement was unaffected. I felt a little like that this morning when I saw myself on The 700 Club.

I happened to not go to Bible Study this morning because Aron is just too sniffly and croupy to be mingling among other children. I also happened to sit down on the couch with my laptop instead of at my desk and I thought I’d turn the TV on. I happened to see that the 700 club was just starting and thought I’d watch it. I haven’t watched it in a long time and thought it may be sort of encouraging to hear the news with a little Biblical commentary. Well, who should appear on my screen soon after, but Brent Gambrell. For those who don’t know…Brent and I, along with a guy we called Henry, traveled together for five years as a comedy/drama ministry known as ICG or Images Creative Group. Henry and I moved on and Brent became a speaker who is now BGM or Brent Gambrell Minsitries.

Apparently Kris got a phone call this morning with a bit of a heads-up that Brent would be on the show and that some of the video footage would have my face included but never mentioned it to me. He was told that the 700 club airs on ABC Family which is not a channel we receive. So he was just going to let me know that we can watch it online later. Fortunately, I was able to hit record and catch the entire interview on our DVR and I am lacking nothing in my quest for fame and notoriety.

I don’t know how to watch it online other than at CBN’s website so here is the link to the 700 Club video section and I think you have to choose today’s air date. Also…it’s almost 40 minutes into the program so you should be able to fast forward and if you stop at 37:50 you’ll hear the intro and the interview. In case you’re interested.

That was fun.

4 thoughts on “I Can’t Believe It….

  1. If you are ever able to link to a snippet, let me know- can’t sit through a whole episode right now. But, how exciting! 🙂

    Was that footage from the old days, then?

    I had to laugh when you wrote “a guy we called Henry”. It sounds like that’s not what you call him now. ha! (my silly brain)

  2. How totally cool! I fast forwarded through to Brent’s part- I wish they’d shown more of you guys. It looks like so much fun- I know it wasn’t always. Very cool though.

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