Everyday LifeLimerick Friday

The Milking Miracle

Today’s limerick is the first in a set of themed limericks to honor my grandparents. This one is about my maternal grandfather, John P. Schwartz. Grandpa was a fine man and according to my mother was pretty quick with a limerick himself. Grandpa passed away with cancer when I was just 7 years old so my memories of him are few. However, the stories I’ve heard about him are many. This limerick tells a story I heard as a teenager from a neighboring farmer who had come to my parent’s restaurant for coffee. For whatever reason, that morning he chose to relate to me how my grandfather had saved the day for him during a power outage that affected both of their dairy farms.

There once was a man named Schwartz
Who, I learned from a friend who reports,
Could milk the cows faster
In a power disaster
Than the pumps the electric supports

Apparently Grandpa used the skills he had learned as an Amish farmer to get more milk and get it faster from the neighbors cows than what his electric pumps were capable of on a daily basis. The farmer continued shaking his head in amazement even some 20 years after the event. What I don’t know is whether Grandpa had enlisted the help of his four strapping boys in the milking miracle.

There are so many other things that could be said about Grandpa Schwartz. I am not the person to tell them though. My memories are small and somewhat warped by my lack of personal experience. I would love to hear my aunts and uncles give more details.

I am having trouble believing it’s Friday already. The boys are ready for our trip to school one more time for the week and I am looking at a little bit of catching up that needs to be done. The hall closet hasn’t been touched by packing material and it must be done. I’m making that my goal for the day.

Aron has had a bit of a stomach issue and I thought it must be something that he ate. The fact that I had unbelievable nausea last night and feel horribly weak this morning makes me now believe otherwise. Poor, poor me. I’m just glad I am over the nausea. Praise the Lord for bodies that recover so quickly and completely. He is amazing isn’t He?

4 thoughts on “The Milking Miracle

  1. sorry you guys were sick! hope you bounce back soon so you can get the place all packed up! when is moving day, by the way?

  2. It’s funny but I grew up knowing pretty much nothing about my grandparents since we lived far away from all of them. Grandpa Schwartz sounds like a pretty cool fella.

    I’m sorry for the sickness, it comes at the most inappropriate times, doesn’t it? Hope you’re all on the mend soon.

  3. I hope you all get better quickly.

    Thanks for the story about Grandpa Schwartz. I got excited as I came to your blog b/c I remebered that it’s Limerick Friday. Fun plan. Keep it up. That’s a story about him I never heard before. I like the picture as well. I’ve seen it, but forgot it. You can’t see Grandma very well, but I like the expression on her face.

  4. Love the picture.
    Love, love the limerick.
    Love, love, love the story!
    And really, the best part is that your grandpa had a knack for the limerick as well. You certainly come by it honestly!

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