Everyday LifeLimerick Friday

Practical Shoes

Well folks it’s Limerick Friday once again and this week we are posting one that came to mind quickly. It’s not too clever, not too trite…it’s just a limerick.

A long legged girl named Pratt,
Wore only shoes that were flat.
According to her,
It was what she preferred,
So her knees wouldn’t rise when she sat.

In other news…my boys ate salad last night. They don’t eat salad. I give it to them and they play with it and they gag on it and they cry about it but rarely do they actually eat an entire serving of salad. Last night, Ivan ate his salad without even a complaint and Owen ate his after a lot of encouragement. It wasn’t very different than other salads but I let them crumble crackers in it and maybe that was the magic potion.

I ate mine too…I liked it.

The packing is coming along. I have a couple of rooms taken apart completely and a few others dented slightly. I’ve been making calls to get a few things done around the house that have needed doing for a long time. Deck sealing, landscaping, shutter repair, and much, much more! This is all the stuff I HATE! I would rather do these jobs myself than deal with calling, pricing, estimates, scheduling, liars, thieves and no-shows. But I can’t. We also have a few things on Craigslist so I’m watching that closely and dealing with people. I’ve decided I just don’t like dealing with the general public on these terms. I like the general public. I just don’t like having to wait on them, or rely on them. I don’t like wanting anything from them. Why can’t we all just be friends?

Well, now that I’ve depressed myself…I should go get these boys ready for school. I feel I should end with something happy though.

Oh…yesterday I had to take our van into the dealership for routine maintenance and it only took two hours (This is good…trust me) and Ivan and Aron were EXCELLENT. They behaved and obeyed and this sweet lady that was sitting with us thanked me for having good boys. I thank God for giving me good boys. There’s so much that I had nothing to do with.

9 thoughts on “Practical Shoes

  1. I think the limerick is great! (and I think it’s clever!) I’m in awe- I totally lack the ability to be creative in that realm. ALthough, I think I used to write well as a young student. Maybe I just need practice? Maybe we should ALL have limerick Friday!

    Crackers on the salad- that is a good idea! My kids, with as much as they *do* eat, still don’t *like* salad. Well, except Lael… she is proudly mine, all mine, in the food category. She loves avocado, and tomatoes, and raw mushrooms, and pretty much all fresh produce! The boys only eat salad if forced, and with an extra slosh of dressing.

  2. love your limericks! i am glad you are making progress on packing and getting the house ready for……whatever! Yay for the salad! i don’t think Kris touched salad until he was about 19 or 20!

  3. Mary, I love your limericks. They are certainly the product of a keen mind. I only wish I were better at writing them, myself. I have a few that I wrote in school, though, that I might offer one of these Fridays. They’re not great, so I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about upstaging you.

  4. Tisra…I need practice in so many things. I used to be much better at drawing…now it feels awkward. (Have you ever thought how awkward, the word awkward is to say and spell?)

    Travis…Limerick submissions are accepted at any time. Guest limericks will be credited to the writer but no award will be given as this is a non-profit blog.

  5. I finally made it here- I’m only 3 days late! Love the limerick…and salad, I eat a lot of salad. Yay for the boys eating it too!

  6. I like the limerick too! Inspires me…can’t wait until I can be a stay-at-home wife and mom again.. Those were the best years of my life…just didn’t know it then…and I didn’t have a wonderful network of friends like you….I want to write again….

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