Everyday Life


The second week of school has begun and the change has been good. Owen loves it, I love having a more clear look at Ivan, and it sets us all on a schedule that is a little hard for us but very, very good for us.

I’ve been proud of the fact that we’ve been ready to go early every morning thus far. I know this is only the 7th actual day of getting there by 8:15 but still…when I’m getting three boys and myself ready all by myself I tend to run a little behind. I’m determined not to be late. This morning we were cutting it close but still had more than the 10-15 minutes of time required to get there when I told the boys to get their shoes on. Owen quickly found his tennis-shoes and somehow in the process of sitting down on the floor to put them on grabbed a cabinet in the laundry room that has glass canning jars sitting on top of it and pulled. I don’t know what all hit him but jars and bowls and my purses and diaper bags that were in the cabinet all came crashing down on top of him. The cabinet had leaned forward but did not fall on him. It’s not a big cabinet it stands a little higher than the dryer it sits next to. I was pretty close and heard a crash and a yelp from Owen and was able to quickly see that he was surrounded by broken glass. I sternly yelled for him to be as still as possible and explained that I had to put my shoes on and put the baby down before I could get to him. He obeyed and I found him frozen in place seconds later. Not a scratch on him, Thank God, just a little bump to the head which was quickly kissed away. I lifted him cleanly from the mess and set him up on the washer while I cleaned all the glass up. I had to yell at Ivan to stay out of the laundry room, which made him cry, but other than that clean up and finally getting out the door went pretty smoothly. I’m just so thankful that he didn’t get hurt. And I made it to his classroom and signed him in by 8:14.

I have to go pick him up at 12:00 each day and I’ve tried to make sure I have things to do during that time. Today, I got groceries and tomorrow I will be working on a specific list of chores around the house.

Speaking of around the house…we have been considering moving and it looks like we are going to pursue that course. In all our non-committed looking at houses we have found a plethora of options in housing. We’ve considered our needs and our wants and find we can make what is basically a lateral move in size and style of home and gain some things in terms of location. We want the boys to be able to play outside, so either a fenced in yard or a culdesac are needed. The street we are currently on prohibits them from even playing in the driveway as there is too much traffic. We would like them to be able to ride bikes and enjoy some outdoor toys but as it is some things don’t work as well on grass.

The problem is selling our house. This is a rough time to sell as there are so many houses available and fewer buyers right now. To top it off, both houses on either side of us are currently for sale and have been for quite a while. So we’ve decided to rent it. We’ve talked to a management company and they feel they can get us a renter in 30 to 60 days. We have to be out of the house before they can begin advertising so I’m going to start packing. I’m confident that I won’t be doing anything too hasty as I feel this is going to be a long process with our current schedule and the helpers that I have. So…forget upgrades and improvements for now…I just need to get it super clean and organized so we can leave it in good condition for someone else. We’ll see how it goes.

We toured a house on Sunday that we both really like. The neighborhood is larger and more tightly packed together than we prefer but it’s convenient to what we drive to regularly and has a nice recreational facility we can use. I don’t know how soon we’ll be able to make an offer or if the timing of all the packing, renting and other things will work out as we would like, but we know God has a house for us and if it’s not this one…there is something else even more suitable.

8 thoughts on “Goodness

  1. Wow! I know the struggle to get out the door every morning. For the last two years I took Chloe to school wearing my pajamas and Halle was in her pajamas. I’m assuming though that since you have to sign him in that *everybody* has to get out of the car. This year I have to actually get dressed but since her school starts at 7:40 the only moms that look showered and make-up’d are the ones that work- which isn’t a lot thankfully.

    OK, you told us about the house but *where* is it? I’m dying to know….

  2. The house is in a subdivision called Willoughby Station in Mount Juliet. It’s about half the distance to Owen’s school which will be nice since I drive there twice a day. I don’t know if we’ll be able to get this house because of the timing and all but right now it’s our first choice. – MLS # 998683

  3. Ooh, I love it! The living room layout reminds me of your current one but the kitchen seems a little bigger with more cabinets- you would know that better than I. Well, you know they’re dealing with the same market you guys are so I’ll keep my fingers crossed- and pray with you too 😉

  4. I love moving to a new house. Maybe one of these days I’ll do it 🙂

    That’s very exciting for you guys! I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

  5. fantastic! you could probably arrange to show your house while you are still in it. it will show very well. But it will be much easier not to. glad Owen was uninjured!

  6. The management company we are likely to use will not advertise or show the house until it is vacant. They cite liability issues – apparently in the past they have given tours of houses with lots of stuff in them, and lo and behold – that stuff ends up being stolen shortly afterward.

  7. Congratulations – that’s a big decision to make! We moved around lots when I was growing up – once we even moved down the street. No kidding. That whole “timing” thing always seems to work just right, though, no matter how many times I’ve been through it.
    Also, congratulations on being the Master of the Morning Rush! That is the task that wipes me out daily. I wake up, only to be spent a mere two hours later 🙂

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