Everyday Life

Kris is still sleeping, Ivan is eating and Aron is sitting quietly with some toys. Owen is gone to his sleepover at Luke’s house and his absence leaves me with mixed feelings. I do miss his sweet morning hugs and cuddles but the fact that I don’t hear him questioning everything and bossing his brother around leaves me somewhat relieved. Is that wrong?

Yesterday was a very full day. Much of that was my own fault but it all worked out well enough. It began early with Friday morning prayer meeting. The full moon still shone incredibly bright and bold in the clear sky. Owen and I agreed it was worth getting up early just to witness it. Being Good Friday it was a big group at the church ready to pray and take communion. The atmosphere was so sweet even in a large crowd it really did feel like we were all there among family. So many children and babies wrapped up in blankets to ward off the morning chill and abrupt awakening to get to church by 6:00 a.m. The boys were doing pretty well until right before we took communion. Ivan had scooted himself close to Kris and was apparently emitting a foul odor. I took him out to change him and missed communion completely. I was a bit disappointed by that, but I have since gotten over it.

Kris left right away to get to work on time and the boys and I lingered a while to allow the parking lot to clear before we headed out. No sense in rushing to get in line and wait. We soon loaded up and set our sites on Old Hickory’s Village Barber shop. We pulled in around 7:30 and as they opened at 7:00 we were pleased to be served so early. The boys got nice short haircuts in preparation for warmer weather on our trip to Florida and hopefully on our return to Tennessee as well. The three barbers were completely ours to entertain and we enjoyed our visit with them as well as Owen’s “three suckers” that he always gets.

Upon returning home the weather was still a little cooler than the boys like to play in so they busied themselves with Owen’s new toy. Soon things warmed up and I encouraged them to go outside. Unfortunately, this led to a few mud issues I had not bargained for. I let them eat their lunch outside and it seems they don’t get as messy when they do this. I guess they are more eager to get back to playing when they are surrounded by the atmosphere of outdoor fun and therefore play with their food less. Just a theory. My plan was to just wipe them down a bit and load them in the van when it was time for Aron’s doctor appointment but the mysterious appearance of mud all over Ivan’s body changed some of that. I had to completely change his clothes and wipe off his shoes before we could do anything. Still we got there just in time and the boys did pretty well while waiting for Aron to finish.

The appointment was for Aron’s newborn hearing screening. I should have had this done a few weeks after he was born but didn’t really know what it was and put it off until I could “figure it all out” as I so often do. Most babies have this done in the hospital before they go home to mommy and daddy. It’s always been available, but until very recently wasn’t required. Somewhere between November 29th 2005 and September 25th 2007 it became a state health requirement for babies to have this done. Kathy (my midwife) gave me the pamphlet and the screening scorecard and told me to give it to my doctor but my doctor doesn’t do the tests. Like I said, I put it off and then got a letter from the state asking where my screening results were and made me feel like a bad parent and all that. About a month and a half ago I got some recommendations of doctors who will do it (hard to find actually) and then made an appointment for yesterday. I couldn’t have known that long ago how busy yesterday would prove to be. I’m just glad it’s done. He was given a passing score, but we were asked to come back to get a better test in another six months, as his squirming left a few unanswered questions. Still, he shows no signs of having a problem with his alert reactions and ready babble so a pass it was. Another appointment was scheduled for September and we were on our way home.

Kris was finishing up at his appointment about the time we got home and we all came indoors to rest and get some dinner going. The boys ate outside again as it was just too nice to keep them indoors. What a day! I got Owen’s bag all packed up for a sleep over birthday party and soon had the boys buckled in the van again and the birthday gift beside me in the passenger seat. I drove up to Hendersonville (about 35 minutes) and pulled in the driveway about 15 minutes earlier than I’d planned on arriving. We got out of the van and I looked at Owen in all his excitement and realized I had left his overnight bag sitting in the kitchen at home. Owen had already knocked on the door but no one had answered and as he looked through the glass on the sides of the entrance he said, they are outside. I peeked too and saw that they were all seated happily around their dinner table on the deck or patio behind the house. I looked at Owen and told him to get back in the van…we have to go back to get the bag. I figured there is no sense in interrupting their dinner to tell them that we forgot something…by the time we get back they will be finished and more than ready for all the birthday guests. So back we came.

Before leaving the house this time Kris handed me a prescription to get filled at Walgreens. So I ran through the drive through and was told it would be ready in an hour. I dropped Owen off, picked up some Chick-Fil-A and was back in a little more than an hour only to wait about 20 minutes more. From the time I got back in the van to leave from Hendersonville, through the Chick-Fil-A drive through, all the way to Walgreens, during the wait at Walgreens and then all the way home, Ivan and Aron both screamed their ever lovin’ heads off. They were exhausted, hungry and sick and tired of that van. I couldn’t believe what I had done to myself by forgetting an overnight bag. Ach My!

So this morning I started blogging about it all and was interrupted by my trip to retrieve Owen. It’s now 5:00 and I’m finishing up this post. I just want to stay home for a full day just once. But it’s not going to happen anytime soon. I already have plans on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Better go feed the baby.

6 thoughts on “

  1. Ugh. I hate, hate, hate when life is like that. I’m feelin’ yer pain, girl.
    And no, it isn’t wrong to enjoy a break from one of your little ones. Of course, you know that already, but…..for what it’s worth, I enjoy it too.

  2. I think I would have picked up a few things for Owen at Target rather than driving an extra 70 minutes- yikes. Can you tell I’ve done that type of thing a few times?

    That sounds like a very, very busy good Friday. I hope you got some rest on the other days.

  3. Amy – Yes, I totally should have gone and purchased him a toothbrush and pajamas…what was I thinking? I guess I was tired. The cost (and the time) of driving is far more than the cost of a toothbrush and something simple to sleep in, yet I have this ingrained mentality of not making unnecessary purchases that preceded all logic at that moment. Oh well.

  4. Well, again, I forget things- a lot. Once when I was visiting Travis in Nashville (when we were engaged) I forgot all my makeup. Since I’m not the girl that just goes without it I had to buy the essentials at Target. Man, was that expensive. Every time we go on a trip now Travis and I both check to see if I remembered my makeup.

  5. Whoa. Long day is right. We are right there with you most days. I even missed watching the girls dye eggs cuz I was out buying shoes for Easter. Sad, sad, sad.
    I know what you mean about having the kids at sleepovers. On one hand, nice quiet time. On the other, I missed mine so much!

  6. Hi there! I hope you’re having a good day. Do you you have an email address for Tobey? Thanks……….love you.

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