Everyday Life

Warm Spring Days

The weather is warming up and we are staying busy. We had such lovely cool days for a while and I could totally get used to that. It got down right cold at the Sounds game on Friday night. I am ignoring predictions of undesirable heat for the summer and praying instead for the sort of summer I had when I was pregnant with Owen. It rarely got above 90 that summer and though it was still hot, it was not unbearable for me and I appreciated every moment of it.

Owen has been enjoying the neighbor’s new trampoline this past week. This morning it was the first thing he talked about and therefore the first thing he did upon getting dressed. It’s probably good if he can get out and play before it gets very warm. It’s very good exercise for him and he loves it with or without friends.

I pulled up my little garden frame a couple weeks ago in order to better determine the usefulness of the ground there. I need to do a lot of digging I guess because the Bermuda grass has really taken over. The sad thing is there are a ton of rocks in the bed as well. Somehow the little square became a dumping ground last fall, to other little gardeners on the premises and needs to be raked out very well in order to make any use of it. Spring planting is over, I recognize that, but I have some pumpkin seeds that recommend planting in May and that’s all I’d like to do in there. We’ll see if I can get it done. I expressed to Kris last night that I feel like all I do is dishes and laundry and I’m always behind on that, so I’m making no promises.

Kris and I talked last night about making priorities and the best process for ordering things of importance. He is so good at thinking through things with a broad mindset and seeing the big picture. He understands quickly how step A may have little to do with the end result but in every way makes steps B, C and D achievable. While I am apt to think through ideas and plan the outcome endlessly but rarely do I see the path to achieving the end result until I am in the middle of the process and wishing I had done things a little differently. I get so caught up in the finish line I am playing catch up on every step along the way. Since I can’t have him here directing me I am going to make attempts at changing the way I think and hopefully step back a bit when I get an idea or am assigned to a project. Today I read Psalm 23 as this is the 23rd of the month and the verse that says, He leads me in paths of righteousness really stood out. He doesn’t put righteousness in my lap or in front of my face, He leads me to it. I think the process of prioritizing could be made simpler, were I looking each moment for the righteous things to do along the path I’m being led on. What is righteousness other than doing what is right, and what is right other than what is best? If God is leading than He will help me with my thinking, my ability to see what is important and ultimately an end result that is on time and without debt to other jobs.

Just to clarify, Kris was not admonishing my thinking in this conversation. It was a conversation about work and what he is doing there, which led to my questioning my own process of housework and projects.

3 thoughts on “Warm Spring Days

  1. Interesting….I tend to jump into something, having only a vague idea of what the outcome should be. Then I take multiple approaches until something works. Not necessarily efficient, but I guess you could say I enjoy the journey 🙂 I usually let somebody else finish it, then, because once I figure out how it works, I get bored.

  2. Christy – I know exactly what you mean about getting bored. There have been so many times when I wanted to create multiples of something cute or useful as gifts and after doing one and loving the process and the outcome, the rest of them felt like pure drudgery. I’ve done it, I’ve proven I can do it and I like what I’ve done…what more is there?

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