I must have started snoring pretty bad last night. I woke up at 1:30-ish and Kris was gone. Pillows and all had been taken to the guest room. I started snoring toward the end of my pregnancy with Owen too, but since I didn’t have to get up in the morning for any reason I was asked to leave. This was fine because the couch sometimes slept better anyway. Now that I get up earlier than Kris to baby sit and all, and we have a nice big guest bed he can stretch out in…he mercifully left me in my snoring bliss and has buried himself in the other bed. He’s still there.
I got up feeling very, very good this morning and just got a phone call from Joey’s mom saying he won’t be coming today. Joey is sick, so that leaves me and Owen to get lots of laundry done on our own. Too bad Kris couldn’t stay home with us. It’s beautiful outside and we would enjoy his company. Somebody has to work though. Especially if I’m not bringing in the big babysitting bucks today. My hefty $25.00/day will be sorely missed. Speaking of missing the babysitting money…I told Joey’s mom that the 18th will be my last day. They have someone they are planning to leave Joey with at that time so all is settled and I will retire from babysitting in three weeks. Doesn’t sound that long does it? At that point I will also be five weeks from my due date (or five weeks from Christmas for you who are still putting off shopping) and happy to close in on that 36 week mark where all is safe for home delivery.
I just hope that I don’t snore for the next 8 weeks. I’ve had a stuffy nose, so maybe when that clears up I’ll breathe more quietly.
Joey seems to be sick a lot. 🙁
I’m glad you’ve got a date set for stopping babysitting. It will be nice to be able to rest more at the end of your pregnancy. Especially with the holidays coming up. Make sure to take it easy.