Everyday Life

Big Brother Training

Owen is in Big Brother Training as I believe I’ve mentioned before. Joey’s presence in the house each day has been a test for both of us and most of the time we do pretty well. Owen often has to wait for my attention as I comfort a crying Joey and try to figure out whether he needs food or sleep or just a better place to sit up and look at things. Sometimes he is most comforted if I wrap him in his blanket and rock him for a little while. Owen has caught on to this and must have heard Tigger crying this morning. I hadn’t heard him for a while so I went looking for him and found the image to the left. He was wrapping up his Tigger and climbing into the little rocker in his bedroom. When I asked him if he wanted help wrapping Tigger in the blanket, he refused and worked diligently at getting him all covered just right. I snapped several pictures and then brought the flash card in here to download. He soon followed with Tigger dragging behind him. He was saying, “c’mon…c’mon.”

6 thoughts on “Big Brother Training

  1. So sweet. And yet, I hope he doesn’t drag his brother or sister around and say, “c’mon”. At least he’s got a few more months.

  2. He really is a beautiful child. I’m so happy for you and Kris…..babies are the most incredible miracles….

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