Everyday Life

Quiet Morning

Owen has been sleeping later. I am enjoying that. He still got up before 6:30 a couple of times this week but there were three days of him sleeping until 7:00 if I remember right. Not that I wait until then to get up. I can’t. Joey comes at 6:30 so I am up at 6:00 at the latest. Kris’ alarm goes off at 6:00 but there are many mornings that I wake up before then and take advantage of the quiet to read or get breakfast started, that sort of thing. Today, Owen slept till 7:00 which was very nice as it is Saturday and I didn’t have to be up.

Kris got up to finish his Sunday School lesson and the rest of the day is semi-busy with a lunch meeting and dinner plans with friends. I am looking forward to having Henry and Elizabeth over tonight. Pierce and Owen get along pretty good. Pierce is very affectionate and loves Owen and Owen isn’t always sure what to make of this but Pierce is not discouraged. He tempts Owen with little toys and stickers and Owen can’t resist. Elizabeth has yet to see our house and Henry has a video he put together about Pierce that he wants to show us. Pierce has Spina Bifida and they are daily challenged to keep him up and running correctly. Until I spent a weekend with Elizabeth I had no idea the time and work that is required to take care of Pierce. Not just the medications but the side effects of medications and the therapy and on and on. He is wonderfully patient and endures it all with a lot of giggles and smiles most of the time. He also has to be watched very carefully as he has had breathing problems and blood sugar problems that have put him in the emergency room and hospital numerous times. Henry is getting ready to launch a speaking ministry and the video will be used to talk about faithfulness and the grace of God in times of struggle and pain. They have learned to trust God like never before because of Pierce’s condition and the ups and downs it has brought them through.

It’s nap time for Owen and time for second breakfast for me. I’m constantly hungry. Owen already has his blanket and pacifier so I need to get on the ball and sing him a song or something.

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