Everyday Life

Last night Brent and Henry came over to rehearse with me for an event we are going to do together this month in Ohio. It was the first time in years that we have run through the scripts we used to do and it was interesting how quickly we were able to get back in the groove of things. We were especially successful when we got up and stood in our normal spots and acted out the little gestures and things off script. It all came back…like riding a bike one might say. It was funny too because it was like the audience was in front of me again and I could see faces and feel the same need I used to feel to convince them of the truth of what I was saying. To influence them to hear the Word and then get out of their pews and do something with it. It reminded me again that the sketches we used were anointed. Even when rehearsing them I could feel that.

We will be going to Ohio on Easter weekend. We will be back by Saturday evening so I will be able to join the choir in concert that next morning and only miss one rehearsal for that. Henry’s wife and son, Elizabeth and Peirce will be joining us on the trip which will be very nice. I’m always glad to have another girl in the mix.

Owen is whiny this morning. He woke up early and has been pretty clingy all morning. He played by himself for about 20 minutes but I was taking a phonecall and wasn’t able to capitalize on that opportunity. Before my phone call was over he went to his room and pulled all of his clothes out of his dresser. That’s always nice. If you know me, you know how much I dispise folding clothes and putting them away. Having to do it unnecessarily is like a sort of torture for me.

Today…today I need to figure out what to make Samson and Ann for dinner and then make sure we have dinner ready early because we are going to a worship service at church tonight to hear Danny Chambers and John Bevere. I need to make some phonecalls today to catch up with some of the people in our Sunday School class. I need to get some sewing done on some baby blankets and try to make another cushion cover. I have done two and they turned out pretty well. Maybe today I can get two more done. I also want to get the house cleaned really well today because there is the possibility that we will have company tomorrow night or Sunday night…hmm that’s another phone call. Better get moving.

3 thoughts on “

  1. This Samson and Anne that you’re making dinner for; is that tall American Indian Samson? Did Images ever publish a book of sketches?

  2. Yes that’s Samson Boyd. He and Ann we’re married last April and had a baby two weeks ago. Ann had a lot of problems at delivery, ended up having to have surgery and 7 bags of blood during a transfusion.

    Images created a disk of sketches but never published an actual book.

  3. Yikes, seven bags of blood! That’s so scary!

    I’m so excited that you get to do some images stuff again. I hope your trip goes great.

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