Everyday Life

Day 5

Just ate Cream Cheese Pancakes for breakfast with a couple sausage links on the side. The pancakes were good except for the artificial sweetener. I did get some Stevia and I tried it in some coffee. Not very good. It has the same bitter taste as Nutra Sweet. At least that’s what I taste. I am sure that like so many other people I could get used to it, but I don’t want to. It makes me feel like I’m swallowing chemicals. In the pancakes it was hidden pretty well in the Cream Cheese so it really wasn’t too bad. Kris and I both ate them, but agreed that a small amount of real sugar would have made them delicious and then topped with fresh fruit they would have been a big hit. Last night we ate Sugar free Jell-o for a bedtime snack. We topped it with the Whip Cream from a can and it wasn’t too bad. I was wondering if I put Sugar free Jell-o in the pancakes instead of Stevia how it would taste or if they would be rubbery because of the Gelatin.

When I weighed myself this morning I was down another pound. I can see it a little bit when I look in the mirror but I still think my face looks fat. I wonder how long it takes to get rid of a third chin.

My back still hurts and last night I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I’m crooked. Visibly bent to the left. No wonder I have pain. I remember hearing an old colloquialism “he’s so crooked, when he dies they’ll have to screw him into the ground.” Of course the phrase is talking about a person’s character but that’s exactly what I thought of when I saw myself. That’s what I look like! I tried calling my Chiropractor…he gave me his home number…but he hasn’t answered the message I left. I really don’t want to go through the entire weekend like this, but I’m sure I’ll survive if I have to.

In other news…There will be another Grace Bowen Bike-A-Thon this year. Becky just called me to let me know and asked me if I was ready to train. Well, not at the moment, but yes I want to do it this time. Angela Saur, one of the girls who participated last year is a personal trainer and wants to train a bunch of women to be a part of it. Cool, but how much will it cost? Becky is supposed to find out but she thinks she’ll do it for free. If that’s the case I’ll bet I can get several girls to participate.

1 thought on “Day 5

  1. Actually Stevia is an herb not a chemical and is good for you. Of course, brussel sprouts are good for you too and are bitter, but I don’t suggest putting that in your coffee.

    I wish I could do the Atkins thing with you- well, not Atkins- maybe the South Beach Diet or something with less meat.

    I don’t think you have 3 chins. If you did you wouldn’t be on Atkins. I think that would call for a gastric bypass or something more drastic. 🙂

    Love ya and keep up the good work!

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