Everyday Life

Day 3

I’ve already lost weight. Kris and I both are down 5 pounds and more. I didn’t expect it to work quite that quickly. We are both trying not to complain too much but this is an adjustment for us and we are glad for the encouraging results.

We are both listing what we hope to accomplish…to not crave sweets, to not need to eat at bedtime, to gain a desire to snack on healthier things and to educate ourselves a bit in the process.

Yesterday I had a headache all day long. Went to bed with it and sometime in the middle of the night I woke up and noticed it was gone. I believe that was due to sugar withdrawal. I hope that’s the last of it. We ate eggs and bacon for breakfast this morning and had chicken cordon bleu last night for dinner. Of course that will also be left-overs for lunch today and we will have taco salad for dinner tonight.

We are having guests tonight after dinner. Kris and I are on the board for Images Creative Group and the rest of the board is meeting here to discuss changes in the ministry. I want to have some snacks for them so this will be a test on our self-control. I want to make snacks that I would want if I weren’t on this diet so I’ll probably at least make some cookies. I’ll have to see what else I can come up with.

I know this blog was not meant to be a dieting log…but that’s all I think about right now…sorry!

Owen is still doing well and has been saying a lot of new things. I need to update my list. He said “all gone” this morning about his bowl of scrambled eggs. Of course it came out more like “da done” but we knew what he meant. I love that kid!

1 thought on “Day 3

  1. Well, a dieting log is not a bad thing…it will probably help to keep you motivated. I tried a diet last week, but it really messed Halle up; I guess I’ll have to try something else. My Mom and Dad were on that diet for quite a while and I think by week two you’re supposed to have an incredible amount of energy- Good Luck!!!

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