Everyday Life


Today is a good day to stay home and sew or knit or crochet or something. I may gain some gumption to get out of the house, but right now I just want to get my laundry started and then curl up in a chair with some quiet productivity in my lap.

Owen g…

Everyday Life


Isn’t this a pretty picture? I’m sleepy! I woke up at 5:40 and had to use the bathroom. Have not been able to get back to sleep so here I am…yawning at the kitchen table. As I make my list and slowly get acclimated to a new week.

We had such a ni…

Everyday Life

Life is Good

Who are these people?

It’s fun looking through old pictures until you find one of yourself that you like. Not that I think I look hot or anything…I just look at it and go…hmmm…I was a lot thinner then. I am getting thinner and I’m enjoying it.…