I have always had a heart for parenting. I’m not really one that would say, “I just love kids” nor am I someone who has to hold a baby if it’s in the room. My heart for parenting, is not the squishy, touchy, feely, sort of passion. It’s more of a driven perspective toward getting right the few years we have to shape a soul into something God can use. Kids, from birth to driving off to college, are a one time opportunity to convey something of Christ directly and without interruption, to another soul. Parents are the first evangelists, they are the first influencers, and the first to define what love and life are meant to be.
My heart is for parents. I want parents to be equipped to know the gospel well, so they can live it well for their children. I want parents to understand biblical principles for love and discipline so they can offer their children something of grace and power. I hope for parents to understand the gift they have been given to grow and understand God more as they invest in the children around them.
I am working toward writing a book on parenting, but in the meantime, I have several blog posts about my own education in parenting as my boys have grown. It’s a journey, and I am hopeful that my revelations as well as my many mistakes will be helpful to others.