Limerick Friday began several years ago when a group of blogging friends and I discussed having something we publish on a weekly basis. We considered recipes, stories, Scripture, home for sale listings, renovation projects, and other meaningful or useful things, but my brain landed on Limericks. They came easy to me for a while, every Friday I’d publish another clever rhyme that people grew accustomed to looking for. It got harder, and harder to make them funny though, and finally after more than four years of faithful Friday “Limerick-ing,” I laid down my silly-pen and moved on. But I kept them here of course, and they’re still funny…
- Non-fictionThere once was a man named Harry,Who had him a daughter named Mary.He taught her with pride,How to kid and to chide,Yet he frowned when he found her contrary.
- Little TinaLittle Tina has an itch in her throat,She recites campaign slogans by rote.Every lie that is told,Makes her more and more bold,And she can’t WAIT to get out her vote!
- “Dear Philip”“Dear Philip” she wrote on the page,In response to her own fit of rage.She felt if he knewHer outbursts weren’t true,He’d be duped, and her dreams reengage.
- Flouncy FlorenceA flouncy young waitress named Florence Let the world know of every abhorrence She rattled away In all things cliche’ And then puzzles at tips her tongue warrants
- Catherine GraceMy niece Grace is turning 14 next week, and we are celebrating a bit today. This limerick is written in the hope of causing her to erupt in contagious laughter. A lovely lass called Catherine Grace Found a pimple on the nose of her face She pr…
- Frank’s WifeWhen Franks wife heard the whole of his plans She determined to tie both his hands Not one thing he said Would dissuade her thick head
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