Everyday Life

Nice Trip

Kris and Owen and I had a nice trip to Michigan. It’s been so long since Kris has been able to go and I was really glad that he was with me. I mentioned in a previous blog that we had lunch on the way up with Mark and Keri Kornelsen. We got to Dad’s h…

Everyday Life

A Breather

I’m in Michigan at Dad’s house. It’s quiet. The sun didn’t come up until after 7:30 and I slept until 6:30 (which was 7:30 in Nashville and according to my body clock) Owen woke me up of course. He was asleep downstairs in his pack-n-play and woke up…

Everyday Life


I’m cold. This morning is bright and sunny and very cool here in Nashville. It’s a beautiful day. Owen is taking his morning nap and I’m about to go downstairs and quilt for a little while. Once he’s up and we’ve had lunch…I think we should spend a…

Everyday Life


One of the songs that was performed for the Night Of Laughter was requested as entertainment for the Leadership Dinner at our church on Tuesday evening. The song was a parody from the early 90’s Christian Contemporary hit, The Great Adventure, by Steven…