Everyday Life


I’ve been discouraged about Owen’s walking progress. He doesn’t seem to want to try very hard anymore. Kris says I’m being impatient and maybe I am. I want so bad for him to be able to do it, but lately he falls down once and gives up. Every kid is di…

Everyday Life


Kris and I had a nice Valentine’s Day. We did not go out but we did eat a special meal of Subway wraps which has been off limits lately. We stayed low carb of course, but enjoyed something a little different. Kris brought home a movie for me. He purc…

Everyday Life

Day 14

Last Day! Woo Hoo! I ate a 4 carb breakfast and I’m skipping lunch so we can have an exciting 18 carb dinner tonight for Valentine’s Day. I’m so tempted to make a cake in my little heart shaped pan but I don’t want to ruin our hard work with a bunch o…

Everyday Life

Day 13

So close to the end. I am the same weight again this morning. I am not discouraged but I’m hoping that by tomorrow morning I will have lost at least one more to hit the 10 pounds gone mark. I didn’t really have a goal for this induction diet but with…

Everyday Life

Day 12

Saturday…Oh what pleasure. The sun is shining and the husband is home. I like today.

I didn’t lose weight any yesterday, but this does not bother me, as I lost two the day before. I made my yummy cream soup again and I enjoyed it sooooooo much.…

Everyday Life

Day 11

I always feel like I need some sort of clever title so going through this diet has given my brain a break on that. I’m just updating the day’s of my diet so I may as well count them out in the titles.

I am down two pounds today. This means I am belo…

Everyday Life

Day 10

Another pound checked off my list this morning. I knew it would leave sooner or later. I’m one pound away from pre-baby weight. I think the last three days of staying the same were due mainly to over-doing it on Sunday during the Super-Bowl party. We…

Everyday Life

Day 9

Maybe I’m doing something wrong. I am not losing anymore. I am still the same as I was the last three days. I’m a little discouraged. I made a really good soup last night, sort of a chicken, ham and crab bisque. I wish I had made more of it because…

Everyday Life

Day 8

The official beginning of week two. How exciting is that? I took a look at the plan for the OWL (Ongoing WeighLoss) phase and it’s not very exciting, but I’m hoping that after this week I will be inspired to tackle it with determination. I didn’t see…