Everyday Life

Home Alone

Owen and I are home alone today. Kris’ parents and his Meema were dropped off at the airport and Kris is off to work. No Joey today as I requested that I get a day to recuperate. Poor Kris doesn’t get one and in fact will be out late tonight working o…

Everyday Life

Sleeping In

I didn’t get up till 6:30 this morning. Wow…haven’t done that in a while. I actually slept 6 straight hours with no interruptions or pain. I am in that stage of pregnancy when no matter where I lay down…my hips get sore after a little while and I…

Everyday Life

Too Much

I have too much to say in the time allotted me, so to quickly recap…

Took Owen to Melissa’s (she’s a gem)
Went to church, set up curtains
Had meeting with Music dept.
Went to lunch with Pastor Sandy
Picked up Owen
Owen and I took naps…

Everyday Life

Good Gums

Kris and I had our 6 month dental appointments this morning. Mmmm…smooth teeth. I really hate the scraping that they do at first but then when they use that round rubbery thing to basically buff your teeth…that’s a good thing. The hygienist I had…

Everyday Life

Sick and Tired

Owen woke up with a fever this morning. It’s not too high so I’m going to let it burn for a while and hopefully kill whatever is causing it. He is sleeping right now and I’m so glad. He has whined and cried and wanted nothing but to be held all mornin…


Winnie the Pooh

At our wonderful sewing party last Thursday night (which I meant to write about but never did) I was given a brief tour of Madison’s bedroom which now is complete with bunk beds. She showed me how quickly she can climb to the top bunk and while she was…