Arden CourtEveryday LifeHouseSewing

More Progress

I actually got this far on Tuesday and took this picture. I ran out of piping and couldn’t finish. It gave me a good idea that I was on the right track though and I was pleased.

Yesterday I went to JoAnn’s to get the rope, string, cording whatever it is that you put in piping and they were down to about 10 inches of it. I wasn’t happy. I get really irritated when people act like it’s not a big deal when in fact it is a big deal…for me. The young lady that I asked first gave me two solutions: 1) check back around Saturday…they don’t order their own products it all comes from corporate and they will be getting a shipment in today (Thursday) but they won’t have it unpacked until Saturday, or 2) Special order it.

Does that seem lame to anyone else? Special order a product that they keep on the shelves all the time? Really? You see for me, just getting to the store feels like a major ordeal. I don’t know if any of you have ever taken three little boys to JoAnn’s before, but it’s hilarious. They are not bored. They have a great time and I am usually hoping I don’t lose one of them in the maze of colorful, eye-catching aisles. So coming back in to see if maybe they have it on Saturday was a little less than appealing to me. I was able to find out from a more helpful source that the store in Madison and the store in Cool Springs have plenty.


I went to Hobby Lobby today and found some for almost half the price. Wow. Should have done that sooner. Anyway…enough of my customer service rant. I know I’m high maintenance…I’ve seen myself shop…there are mirrors everywhere and I look angry every time I pass myself. At least my kids are having a good time.

So I have two cushions done and one to go. I’m pumped. It’s not going quickly, but it’s going and that’s encouraging to me.

The rest of the couch is still somewhat of a mystery to me. I have a very sketchy plan on how to cover it, but I won’t know how well it’s going to work until I get started. That’s what makes life exciting right?

I should also say that I’m exaggerating about my shopping anger and my kids are actually pretty good little shoppers, I don’t know what other kids are doing, but I get compliments all the time on how well behaved they are, even when I feel like I’m doing a terrible job of keeping them in line.

5 thoughts on “More Progress

  1. I suspect its the multiplication of very inquisitive, busy little companions that go with you, that bring that scary look on your face when you shop!

  2. I always enjoy your uplifting comments on my blog! Thank you! Your couch looks amazing! I’m with you on the lack of customer service. I didn’t drag these lovely little people with me because it’s fun or something!

  3. Ha! I love that you are an apparently angry shopper 🙂
    And I am positively in love with this sofa. As soon as I find one of my own to re-cover, I will be calling for advice. I’ve been wondering how you were going to do the rest of it once the pillows were done and I confess that I am a bit relieved that you don’t exactly know.

  4. I feel your shopping pain and I only have one little guy to carry around with me. Sometimes I want to shout my whole life story to them so they get that it’s not so easy to just “check back”. Loving the progress on the couch!

  5. “The rest of the couch is still somewhat of a mystery to me. I have a very sketchy plan on how to cover it, but I won’t know how well it’s going to work until I get started.”

    I was just about to ask, “how….?”! 🙂

    It’s looking great!

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